At Center

NaPoWriMo – day 29
And for Big Tent Poetry prompt: what’s at center?

Card 7, Gallery 1

 At Center

Soul traveler knows journey
is wending its way toward
ending. Remembers faces,
all the places she has been.
Old friends and new seem
to circle around her, joined
by various connections.

Feels blessed by links
which have often softened
her weary steps, brought
her laughter, songs, new
colors to explore. Stored
words of deep wisdom that
will long abide, like echo
deep within her.

Wants to give each a gift
that will gladden hearts
when held in hands, years
from now, bring gentle
smiles to lips, gladness
to inner beings. Swiftly
decides what that might
be, and hopes they will
all like what they see,

Elizabeth Crawford 4/29/11

Card 14, Gallery 1

 You get two images today.
This soul card makes me
think of the poetry circuit
that welcomed and encouraged
me. Thank you one and all.

Soul Cards: both galleries may be viewed by clicking on either image. Soul Cards were created by Deborah Koff-Chapin, and her site may be found here:


About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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19 Responses to At Center

  1. Mary says:

    Elizabeth, you give everyone a GIFT of your words! There is no greater gift.

    Well Mary, a good hug does wonders on occasion, and your words feel just as warm as the real thing. Thank you,



  2. So beautiful, Elizabeth. I am going to miss this Soul Card Journey. What an amazing and unexpected trip it has been. I did mine tonight too and am kind of bummed because now I cant do it in the morning:) Well, we’ll keep trekking, in some format or other!

    Sherry, am seriously thinking of doing something with the digital art. It’s pure color and not meant to be representational. It can and does however, suggest so many things. What you say? A bit of Color Speaks? Keep it to 10 lines or less? I think I like the challenge. Are you interested? Again, I’m so glad you came along on this adventure. You are a wonderful friend,



  3. vivinfrance says:

    One of your best, Elizabeth, but don’t say it’s ending. There’s more in you yet.
    I’m in total agreement about the poetry circuit.

    Oh, Viv, the journey doesn’t end, but only begins again. This is the end of this tangent of the journey, at least tomorrow will be, who knows what comes after that? Old saying, “You don’t need the ticket till you get on the train.” Now if I can find the train depot, we’ll see what happens. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my Mother’s passing. And I know that the poetry circuit and each of the individuals who have stopped here in this past year, have helped me in far more ways than they know or can imagine. Thank you, my friend, for being one of them,



  4. I’m 100% sure we’ll like what we see tomorrow.

    You dear man, have been a staunch companion. Thank you Stan for all of your generous and supportive words,



  5. andy sewina says:

    Beautiful words, a journey ending – another one beginning!

    Andy, my apologies. Have been having trouble getting on your site for the past few days. Thanks for all of your comments, they are always positive and supporting,



  6. lucychili says:


    Ahh, Lucy, thank you for that. It’s much appreciated,



  7. Beautifully done. And yes the second card seems like just that!

    Annell, I knew that second card from the first day, and have been waiting patiently to use it. Thank you, my friend, for taking time to read and make comments. Hugs to you,



  8. Kim Nelson says:

    This poem describes the goal of one whose life is well-lived, doesn’t it?

    Thank you very much Kim, I would certainly hope so,



  9. Laurie Kolp says:

    Aww, Elizabeth… love your sweet sentiments on this month’s PAD challenge. I feel the same way!

    Laurie, I did the November PAD challenge, and although I enjoyed it, nothing compares to what has taken place in these past 29 days. This has been a once in a lifetime experience for me, in many ways. Thanks for being a part of all of this,



  10. pamelasayers says:

    Elizabeth, I love surprises, and I am sure you will not disappoint us. I am very happy to have met you. You are a bright light and the end of a very dark tunnel. We do have a wonderful poetry community, don’t we? Even though this ends tomorrow, another journey does begin. My thoughts are with you on the anniversary tomorrow, my friend.


    Thank you Pamela, you have been one of the bright stars in this galaxy I stumbled into just under a year ago. And this PAD challenge has had some sense of magic about it since the very first day. I choose to believe it is my Mother’s presence dusting me with her blessings.



  11. brenda w says:

    Elizabeth, “I’ll be back!” (Terminator movie voice…) ha! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your love for life and our mother Earth and all of us is evident in the work you do everyday. Yours truly is a journey of love. I feel blessed to be part of it.

    Brenda, Terminator II is one of my all time favorites. Thank you, lol. And you, dear lady, were more than just a part of it, you inspired some of what is written here. Thank you, again.



  12. Mr. Walker says:

    Elizabeth, you’ve expressed much of what I’ve been thinking and feeling about connections and links. Mostly, I want them to continue. I like that idea of a poetry circuit – there’s electricity in there. I like the second stanza; I have a lot that’s still echoing inside me. Thanks.

    Mr. Walker, I stumbled onto the circuit nine months ago, and it made all of the difference. Yes, electricity is a good word for what has taken place and will continue to do so. So many bright lights and conduits of ideas, thoughts, and incredible inspiration. I was running a bit on empty when I first came here, and I am not dismissing that nine month period and the significance in that symbolism. It echoes and growths within me. Thank you so much for a being a part of all of it,



  13. espriurenee says:

    We all have gifts to give and writing can communicate so much more than words verbally can
    say. If you have a gift and share it it multiplies again and again. Thank you!

    You are so correct Espriurenee. It does multiply, sometimes so quickly it takes the breath away. Thank you for joining in and bringing your own light to this growing multitude,



  14. Gloria says:

    Elizabeth, you are a gift. 🙂 I am so glad to have found you and your writing, and I’ve teared up several times when thinking about this ending. (I am such a sap!) Then I remind myself that none of us are going to disappear!!! 😉 I really do love what you wrote today, as always.

    I’ve teared up a few times myself over the past months, Gloria. The poetry circuit was a bit like finding home for me, and filled a gap and a hunger that has been fulfilled and replenished many times over. I know that no journey ends, without another beginning. I can’t wait to see what is coming around the next curve in the road. Thanks for joining in,



  15. Deb says:

    Beautiful images, all. xo

    Thank you very much Deb, I really like the Soul Cards.



  16. Judy Roney says:

    This poem and photos are simply beautiful and they touch me deeply. Thank you for sharing your work, you world. We all takes these journeys and people like you light the way.

    Judy, what a wonderful thing to say. Thank you.



  17. jinksy says:

    words of deep wisdom that
    will long abide, like echo
    deep within her.

    And you have certainly been offering such echos to us in these daily poems, for which I thank you.

    Jinksy, you have been doing no less. So, I must echo you now, thanks a great deal,



  18. Excellent. A great piece that is not trying to be a poem. Great form, voice, flow. No wasted words. I’m liking it. Great job.

    Welcome Henry, glad you decided not to be invisable. And thank you for your very generous words,



  19. Tumblewords says:


    Thank you Tumblewords,



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