Muted Turquoise

Am about to turn 75.
Have to wonder when that happened.
When did my life become
muted turquoise?

Everything seemingly coming
from a bit of distance. Not
yet completely greyed, but getting there
slowly. So slowly I didn’t notice.

Would much prefer a bright
cerulean blue. Much truer to
my sense of who I am. And
whatever I might still accomplish.

Red of creative fire still burns
within and turns the pages, more
slowly than I’d like, but at least
the old mill is still churning.

Still making a bit of movement
and sometimes even music.

Elizabeth Crawford 4/6/2021

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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9 Responses to Muted Turquoise

  1. Tom says:

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Tom, it’s in three days. Appreciate the thought and the visit. Some days the words are hard to find, other days they leap before I’m ready. And why does that line sound so very familiar?


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sherry Marr says:

    Oh, an early happy birthday, my friend. In July, I will be right behind you. I love all your colours: the red of creative fire being the one we are so grateful to possess. (Or it possesses us.) I feel happy doing the poem a day. Satisfying to be writing something every day again, as we did for so many years.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Sherry. I don’t think I’d have continued after the second day, if it were not for your presence. It still feels a bit awkward, but getting smoother with each day. It feels like years instead of just one. And I agree with you about Creative Fire. The body, even the mind may get a bit slow and overly cranky, but that desire to create never really diminishes.



  5. “When did my life become
    muted turquoise?” – brilliant!!

    You have such youth and vigour to your creativity it is hard to believe your birth age – enjoy your anniversary and many more Elizabeth

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you, Laura, both for the good wishes, and especially the hard to believe part, lol. The poems I’m writing this month are an attempt to explore a newly realized concept. I’m glad I chose to do them.



  7. thotpurge says:

    The old mill is still churning, you say! Churning out such lovely, creative poetry too. Thank you for your poems. And wish you a very happy birthday, Elizabeth.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you, Thotpurge. Not sure I’d call them lovely exactly, but I am certainly glad you think so. I’m a bit surprised, at times, that I’m still breathing, let alone writing anything. I certainly don’t feel 75, although there are moments, lol. My Mother lived into her nineties and her mother did the same. Just hoping I caught some of those genes.


    Liked by 1 person

  9. thotpurge says:

    I hope you will keep writing and giving us joy through your poems… !


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