The Quiet Rage

The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #239

crispy, free, rage, volume, truth, sun,
yearning, still, phrase, start, two, attack

Sunday’s Whirligig: Wordle #47

broken, chasing, wise, sheared, basket, jagged,
swims, remains, missing, pilgrim, sorrow, keep

Poets United: Poetry Pantry #290


Oh, you’d be amazed at what the soul can hear when you have
an extra hole
in your head.

Wanderer in The People of The River
by Kathleen O’Neal Gear
and W. Michael Gear

The Quiet Rage

Lived inside, born of a child’s sorrow,
yearning after what had gone missing,
been unwittingly broken, sheared away
in crisp sunlight of a winter’s afternoon.

For the most part, could keep it still,
jagged edges wrapped securely in tightly
woven basket of nerve endings, forever
jangling to be free, to go on the attack.

Became a pilgrim, chasing after truth
and an unnamed justice. Scoured volumes
in search of healing, some phrase to ease
ache of misguided understanding.

Found two voices that remained steadfast.
First is a forest of words, branches reaching
for ancient wisdom. Second a nearby lake
of colors in which I swim daily.

Although started at very different times,
in very different circumstances, the two
voices grasped hands and have refused
to let go.

Elizabeth Crawford  2/21/16

Notes: When I was four, I ended up beneath the back wheel of my father’s reversing black Pontiac. Was taken to the hospital where surgery was done, replacing cracked skull bone
with a steel plate. Returned home to become the little girl with a hole in her head, forever wandering just how much “gray matter” might have escaped before they sealed up that hole. More recently, have been reading the Prehistory series by the authors mentioned above. In this book of the series, a small girl is hit in the head by a war club, and The Dreamer and Medicine Healer preforms surgery to release “the bad spirits” that are causing her brain to swell. Although I remember being shocked by the similarity to my own experience, when I first read the book over twenty years ago, I somehow missed the quote from Wanderer when asked by the child’s mother if she would survive. This time, I underlined it and knew I would need to write about it. The word lists simply made it much easier to do.

The image is yet another one of my created templates, colored with Artists Markers and India Ink. I usually create just a plain background for the colored images, but wanted to try different techniques this time around, and tried a splatter affect instead. It seemed to suggest a forest of trees and a nearby lake, so left it. And I did use all of the words.

If you’d like to see and read one of my first attempts at combining those two different voices, it may be found here:

Held Loosely

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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23 Responses to The Quiet Rage

  1. What a story.. Love how your weave of lake and words have come together.. The backstory added so much to the poem


  2. Jae Rose says:

    Sounds like trepanning – but ow! I loved how you move out from quote..just like your mandala..but also focus into the centre – words and colour..reliable, steadfast..sure..and i am sure given both that you produce no grey matter was lost..and that extra hole definitely gifted something special..


  3. Sumana Roy says:

    and exquisite voices they are….


  4. oldegg says:

    What a moving and inspirational story, so beautifully told.


  5. Misky says:

    A perfect life-line.


  6. thotpurge says:

    Wow… a survivor with beautiful words and colours and what a tremendous quote…blew me away.


  7. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Became a pilgrim, chasing after truth
    and an unnamed justice.

    So powerfully expressed 🙂


  8. Suyash Jha says:

    what an incredible story… kudos


  9. Before reading your note, my comment about the poem was going to be that “I love the second to the last stanza best of all. The dance between the imagery is a delight.” After reading your note, I understand that the “imagery” is a miracle… and a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.


  10. Fascinating story, and how it parallels the quote and its story. I agree, powerful! Love the image and the background especially.


  11. This is such an interesting poetic image… the cracked skull and the idea of what might have been left behind. Very intriguing.


  12. Very powerful imagery, Elizabeth. 🙂


  13. Myrna says:

    Wow. Love what you’ve written here. What a terrifying experience you and your parents must have had. But, perhaps that extra hole really has made you more soulful. Your soul certainly radiates through your work. And it is lovely.


  14. Sherry Marr says:

    Wow, what an astonishing story. I am so glad you survived! I love the quote, which is absolutely perfect. I love that you became a pilgrim seeking after truth. Way to be a warrior woman, my friend.


  15. even without the biographical input, an amazingly introspective poem with rare insight.


  16. annell4 says:

    Dear Delightful Elizabeth….now that is making lemonaid out of lemons. Yes, I think you are lucky t have an extra hole in your head….otherwise your head would not have been able to hold all the wise words of your soul.


  17. Mary says:

    Thank goodness for the two voices which have remained steadfast over the years!


  18. Em says:

    Are you writing about me? 😉

    I adore your opening line: “Lived inside, born of a child’s sorrow”


  19. ZQ says:

    Looks like you didn’t lose much gray matter to me 🙂


  20. Wow…I’m glad you came out of it alive. That must have been quite quite quite an experience. I”m happy for you. 🙂


  21. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    Crushed skull? Refined poetry!


  22. Truedessa says:

    I have not read this book from the authors but, I have read some of the others. I would say you have a warrior spirit and the medicine man has surely visited you.


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