Time Out


For NaPoWriMo – day 8

Card 87, Gallery 2

Time Out

Traveler knew it was time
for time out. One of those
weeks: people asking
personal favors, some
needing band-aids, sutures
for infected, festering wounds.
A few lacking spoons
with which to feed themselves.

Had found herself racing,
pacing tight confines,
chasing future, while
running from past, triggered
by contact with others.

Memories nipping at heels,
leaning in to haunt, taunt
with pain-filled mistakes made,
others yet to find resolution.

Words spit with intention
of hitting raw nerves:
my words,
your words,
his words,

Knew it was time to stop.
Time to let go,
find release,
time to just


Elizabeth Crawford  4/8/11

Notes: Because the Traveler here, is first of all me, I am following the signs and symbols as they appear. This blog is titled Soul’s Music because music has been, and always will be an integral part of the synchronicity that often swirls in and around my person. I have wanted, since the blogs inception, to share some of the music that has shaped and formed my awareness. The poems are my truth, the songs a directional reminder of that truth. Ron recently gave me a new word:  earworms. Meaning the song lyrics that climb into our heads and weave in and out of our thought processes. But worms are an essential part of basic ecology because they aerate the landscape through which they travel, bringing breathing spaces and air, as well as creating channels for nurture to the life that already abides there. Thank you Ron, for being a part of my signs and symbols.

Song: 2a.m (Just Breathe) by Anna Nalick.

Soul Cards: both galleries may be viewed by clicking on the image. They were created by Deborah Koff-Chapin and her site is located here:  http://www.touchdrawing.com/

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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17 Responses to Time Out

  1. Excellent crescendo effect followed by that final intake of air.

    Thank you Stan, it really was one of those weeks,



  2. vivinfrance says:

    I know the feeling of needing time out! Napo is weighing heavily now and interrupting normal life.

    Your poem – as ever – vividly expresses much truth.

    Viv, thanks, I figured it was time to take a break. Napo is fun, but really calls for stretching self, and that can be exhausting,



  3. Ron. says:

    Words. The thing is, you can’t say them without inhaling first. Sometimes I think we should maybe just inhale & shut the hell up. Fine work, this.

    & thanks for the nod in the Notes.
    & thanks for stopping by for eggs.

    Thanks Ron, but I used to tell my students, if they didn’t find a way to express it, they were in danger of exploding, imploding, or spending a lot of time hyperventilating. I would prefer to express it in some form. And I find writing it, one of the very best ways to do that. A silent world doesn’t appeal to me much. And you are welcome here anytime. I loved the metaphor I found in the earworms. It tickled me a great deal. I used to go night crawler hunting the night before my dad and I would go fishing. That was fun!



  4. honeyhaiku says:

    There is a great deal of animation and stress that is feel through these words. Thanks for the share, nice poem!

    Glad you could connect with it Honeyhaiku. Thanks for stopping in,



  5. Love this one, Elizabeth. I didn’t read it till after I had posted. My take was, again, immediate and came all by itself. It’s like I’m taking dictation, on this journey, since I know the substance so well. It now becomes all about the executing of that knowledge and I am oh, so ready!!!!!! I also know the need for the rest and deep breathing. Life gets too busy. These days, my time at my desk is my breathing space, when everything else stops. I am loving this journey! Werent you brilliant to start us on it?????

    Thank you Sherry, but I certainly can’t take all the credit, the cards call deeply to many on very different levels. I think you and I are proving that, yes? The cards seem to carry a certain sort of music, they certainly get my thoughts dancing and yes the words often trip over one another trying to find their own space on the page. Love it when that happens,



  6. I like the concrete and abstract complimenting each other…

    order of the day

    Thanks Gautami, I have been enjoying your poems as well,



  7. pamela says:

    Elizabeth, yes, time out is essential to our being, beautifully stated. I enjoyed the process notes about Ron and the earworms, an interesting concept, that makes perfect sense.


    Hi Pamela and thank you. I started going fishing with my Dad when I was eight. His first and only rule was that I had to take care of my own equipment, that meant baiting my own hook, and sometimes cleaning my share of the catch. I learned a great deal about a lot of things I might not have learned, otherwise. I agree, earworms make all kind of sense,



  8. Gloria says:

    I must agree with Ron. Some people seem to think that whatever comes into their minds should just immediately spew from their mouths. A little self-censorship wouldn’t hurt! Great job with the poem!

    Gloria, glad you liked the poem. Being an individual who was censored for the first half of my life, I have an issue where censorship is concerned. Art is self-expression, to silence it, no matter its form, is to invite being silenced. Everyone should have the right and ability to speak freely, even if it means making a fool of themselves. I equate self-expression with breathing, they find their most basic meanings in the same word. To breathe in means to be inspired. Thanks for stopping and commenting,



  9. Vividly drawn verse.

    Madeleine, thanks, I’ve been enjoying your limericks,



  10. Lnda says:

    The poem is so alive. And I love your blog set-up.

    Glad you found meaning in these words. I also like and am grateful I found WordPress, it has a great deal to offer and is certainly user friendly. I am basically a technonincompoop, and this set up made it easy. My motto? If I can, anyone should be able, lol,



  11. Ellen says:

    I actually felt the rhythm of breathing when reading it, the pace and the words swelling like a wave before it’s descent. It had an ebb n’ flow to it! I love this part, “Memories nipping at heels,leaning in to haunt, taunt with pain-filled mistakes made, others yet to find resolution”. Beautiful~

    Thank you much Ellen. Memories can be so many things, both friend and foe, depending on the time and mood. But, I also believe they have deep purpose and meaning, and can often act as teachers with incredible wisdom to share. My mentor was a Walt Whitman scholor and I learned early on about breath line. I prefer it.



  12. nan says:

    This seemed like my day – anxious and not breathing – spinning until I decided to stop, and breathe. Time out. Very nice.

    Nan, it really was one of those weeks. Ups and downs in rapid relays with one another. I too, really needed a time out. Then remembered one of my favorite songs, lol. I forget to breathe on occasion. Glad you could relate and thanks for visiting.



  13. Tumblewords says:

    I can feel every word of this. I’ve always been a reluctant breather – often have to remind myself to breathe and more so when stressed.

    Ditto, Tumblewords. I can remind others, then totally forget myself. Thank goodness there is music playing in my head most of the time, yes? Thanks for your generous words.



  14. laurie kolp says:

    Yes… taking the time to stop and breathe (enjoy nature, music, etc) pulls me into the present moment… when I remember. Great piece.

    Laurie, I keep this song close at hand to remind me, because all too often, I forget as well. Thanks for visiting,



  15. brenda w says:

    Happy Birthday! Your journey is inspired. Time to just breathe is so necessary, as I sit here grateful for your words and for Saturdays. Your poetry hugs the world.

    Brenda, what a wonderful thing to say and I love the thought. Thank you.



  16. Mary says:

    Your poem is a wonderful reminder of the necessity of Time Outs in everyone’s lives. We should not feel guilty for taking them. Sometimes one does need to take time just to breathe. Well penned, Elizabeth.

    Thank you again, Mary. Yes, we all need them, some more than others. I sometimes think that remembering to breathe is the hard part. Peace to you,



  17. Mary says:

    I enjoyed our conversation. Had not realized I was one of the sister trees. I am honored.

    Some severe storms heading in today. Hopefully the sister trees all will remain upright.

    Mary, it was thundering and lightening at three this morning, and again just an hour ago. There truly is protection in the forest, and I’m glad to be standing next to you, my friend and sister tree.



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