Butterfly Dreams

I have discovered a new syllabic structure for poetry. It is called a Tetractys and the explanation for it can be found here:


Of course, I had to try it immediately and did so. I have been engaged in making my youngest daughter a birthday present. She will be turning thirty on Monday and I don’t want her to lose sight of her inner child, so am making her a butterfly coloring book with at least one image of butterflies for each of her years. I colored a few of them, just to get her interested, but the rest of the images are waiting for her to bring them alive. So, the poem will go on the first page of the book, and I decorated it with a hand-drawn and colored butterfly.

This is another page from her Butterfly Book.

Butterflies and Rainbow

Butterflies and Rainbow


Butterfly Dreams
(for Alyssa)

for it
they tell me,
that dream you dream.

So, I reach and find something worth keeping.

Now, they say I must let go, release it.

But, I find my
dream won’t let
go of

Elizabeth Crawford  2/11/09

Note: If you want to try the Tetractys form, please drop a note in the comments section, and I’ll come take a look.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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4 Responses to Butterfly Dreams

  1. luvmoons says:

    I love that! There’s a dream holding on to me for sure! And I’m alot older than your daughter!


  2. 1sojournal says:

    Me too, in both respects. Don’t tell anyone, but I wrote the poem for me originally, but it went so well with the Butterfly Book, that I couldn’t resist including it. She received it yesterday and emailed me, saying that I was awesome for putting it all together for her and that she felt completely surrounded by love. I cried when I read it.



  3. Sleepyone says:

    I look at that book often when I am sad or feeling alone. Mostly when I’m missing my momma. I held it a long time today.


  4. 1sojournal says:

    And I had a printed out copy of a certain sad song with me today. One that I might have missed if someone hadn’t helped me listen to its meaning. Miss you all the time honey, so am sending you hugs and butterfly dreams. Come back soon…



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