Other Moments Like Other Lives Lived

For We Write Poems poetry prompt #168: Without Thinking

And for Poets United Verse First prompt: Difficulty


Other Moments Like Other Lives Lived

Music and the smell of beer,
cigarette smoke and laughter,
threading way to pool table in back
with a friend who didn’t always
defeat me, would let me win on occasion.

Driving into the state of Montana
for the first time. Incredible mixture of anticipation
built over years of dreaming, and deep fear
that I might miss something.

Sitting crossed legged on bed, window open
to cool evening breeze. Plucking strings of guitar
and singing Amazing Grace softly, only to have
all four of my children appear, each from a different direction,
to join me by the second chorus. We sounded really good.

A non-traditional college student,
a middle-aged road tripper,
and a newly divorced single parent, scared
but grateful for choices made, and knowledge
that we just might make it.

We did, sort of….

Elizabeth Crawford 8/7/13

Notes: Not sure this fully complies with either of these two prompts. Read them back to back and this came almost like a stream of consciousness, so I grabbed it. Love it when that happens.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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9 Responses to Other Moments Like Other Lives Lived

  1. Mary says:

    Interesting how many different people one has been in one lifetime. At least, speaking for myself, I find this to be true. Sometimes I would like all these people to have coffee together just for fin. I enjoyed the glimpses of your life, Elizabeth.


  2. julespaige says:

    I’m thinking here, me, myself and I… with a chorus of familiar faces.
    Strength, courage, hope and of course grace.

    Thanks for stopping by my place. I hope your summer is going well.
    Alas the weather tells me summer is …going.


  3. Really enjoyed this, especially the part about your children joining in the second chorus of Amazing Grace. We’ve all been different people at different times, always changing. I love how you described these phases of life in your poem.


  4. Sherry Marr says:

    I SO RESONATE with the title of this poem. When I look back, there are chapters, each a full and totally separate experience, like other lives lived……….love this write Elizabeth. My Muse is tired and sluggish right now. I stir the pot from time to time but….not one peep!


  5. Man I could really relate to this – well done.


  6. Elizabeth,
    A journey through life and reflecting upon the different roles. How quickly each phase can pass, particularly with the children.


  7. Irene says:

    Evidence that memory have lives within us, Elizabeth.


  8. kelvin s.m. says:

    …ah, the love of a parent are always genuine… they accept, understand, and love, love, love no matter where its children’s path took ’em… you’re lucky to have them… they’re luckier to have you…ah, thank you for sharing your beautiful life… smiles…


  9. Sumana Roy says:

    touched by the warmth you have sketched…..


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