April PAD Challenge: Day 29


Lost Poem

Wrote it down several days
ago. It had been blooming,
in what I call ‘the back forty’
of my mind, for a long time.

Thirteen ways to look at
Marananthaheth, my dragon.
Most often call her Heth. Says
that final breath of a syllable
is attached to every dragon’s name.
It means Home, all things Dragon.

She’s imaginary, of course,
but she’s been here for so long
that I sometimes forget that part
of our reality. This digital life
makes that so easy. Virtual
friends from around the globe,
no less friends for not having
been physically met.

Typed it up rather quickly, copying
Wallace Stevens’ form, then left it
in dashboard tray, thinking I’d saved it.
Spent several hours searching through
files yesterday, only to find poem
is forever lost. Gone, as though
it never existed. Just another accident
of human frailty and imperfection.

But, Heth is here, lolling on upper
shelf of desk. Peering down with one
bright eye, asking softly, “ Little one,
perhapss it was meant to be for szome
other time, might you trusst that it will
come back, when it iz ready?”

Elizabeth Crawford  4/29/2017

Notes: The PAD Challenge never seems to be complete without at least one poem about dragons. If you type in the word dragon, in the search engine of this site, you will find several of them. I thought to save some time by writing it up early. My bad. Heth is my imagination, come to teach, to protect and defend that arena. She does a super job.

Image is from the internet.





About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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3 Responses to April PAD Challenge: Day 29

  1. Pingback: Saturday Mix — Lorraine 29.04.17 – Ladyleemanila

  2. a decuain and a shadorma from me 🙂

    Saturday Mix — Lorraine 29.04.17


  3. Sherry Marr9 says:

    Ah, I love the way she lisps…….ssssso very dragonY!


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