Trump It


For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #270

spin, limit, flash, state, park, line,
flip, insulate, mimic, fade, rim, kick

Poets United: Poetry Pantry 324

Trump It

When someone shows you who they are
believe them, the first time.
__Maya Angelou

Used to believe there was a limit
to the spin one could put on the state
of reality. Even a penny, rolling
on its rim must stop, flopping over
to flash its face eventually.

But in current political race, every line
of decency has been crossed, kicked
to the curb by an insulated mimic of true
humanity, who only wants to park his
butt on the highest arc of our History.

Can one inflated ego really believe that
the memory of his indignities will fade
with time? Just because he says, “It
was only locker room banter,” and that
each of his numerous accusers, “is a liar?”

Elizabeth Crawford  10/16/2016

Notes: Normally, I steer clear of politics. Just don’t go there. However, these past few weeks have triggered something inside of me. Have seen, first hand, how this man’s banter, has unleashed a multitude of hidden memories for friends and strangers alike. And with each noted hidden memory, multitudes (including yours truly) have been likewise triggered to express the unspeakable. If this man is elected, we, all of us, must then face off with the reality that the gravest injustice Man has ever done, is not to a foreign stranger, or through war, or to anyone of a different race or belief system, but to the woman, who willingly or not, stands beside him. But, to be honest in my opinion, his opponent might not be much of a better choice.

Image is a bonfire kaleidoscope and I did use all of the words.










About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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18 Responses to Trump It

  1. oldegg says:

    I am sure the rest of the world is aghast at the spectacle the US has made of itself. Churchill once said “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others!” You can be thankful for that.


  2. well done, Elizabeth 🙂


  3. Jae Rose says:

    I think your postscript is as powerful as your poem – it doesn’t feel as if there is a ‘good’ candidate.. and even on this side of the pond it feels as if Obama’s skills, intelligence and humanity were squashed at every turn..


  4. The world watches in disbelief.


  5. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    ‘Even a penny, rolling on its rim must stop, flopping over to flash its face eventually’ you make a solid point there, Elizabeth.


  6. Mary says:

    I really like Maya Angelou’s quote. And as for writing political poetry, I am of the same mind. I just can’t steer clear of politics in this election. I fear T and his followers really, whether he wins or loses. He is using some of the same tactics of stirring up masses as Hitler did in the lead up to WWII. And the way he just denies ALL of the allegations against them….as if only his WORDS could make them untrue, could take away the reality of what these victims have experienced. What this man could unleash, whether elected or not (and I think this is important) is a frightening prospect for the world.


  7. thotpurge says:

    Fiery!!! A much watched election from around the world.


  8. We will forget him, if he loses.
    If he wins, we’ll wish we could.


  9. The quote is perfect for the case… I thought a leopard can’t hide it’s spot, but apparently there are enough to believe in the emperor’s new clothes for a while, but he’s naked.

    Shouldn’t copy of an other country’s politics, but this affects the whole world.


  10. annell4 says:

    You are a truth speaker…..nice job! Well done! Sadly I could not use all the words…so be it, at least I scribbled a little early Sunday morning musings.


  11. Well done. I usually keep my head in the sand too, but like you, thistime I can’t.


  12. Sherry Marr says:

    I feel the same way, my friend. He is unspeakable, and unfit. And what does it say about our society that so many support him and set their baser instincts free, given license by his inciting Words? I don’t like the alternative either. But we are doomed if he gets in. I am appalled at every word out of his mouth, and I spare myself as many as I can.


  13. ZQ says:

    In this case… we have to speak out… well spoken.


  14. But, to be honest in my opinion,
    his opponent might not be much of a better choice.

    It is a dilemma truly Elizabeth! Between the devil and the dead sea. A choice not giving much of a choice.



  15. Gillena Cox says:

    your poetry’s political voice is clear and good reasoning
    Thanks for dropping in at my Sunday Standard this week

    much love…


  16. Gillena Cox says:

    Monday WRites 79 is live

    you are invited to link in

    much love…


  17. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    One of my students insists (as does He Who Shall Not Be Named) that those women who came forth are all liars. That’s what happens when you drink the Kool-Aid, I guess, and it’s very sad. (The student of whom I speak—a male—is only 16 years old.)

    But, even at 16, one should be able to reason out that ten different women, of differing ages, and walks of life, are all telling an astoundingly similar story. That of a blitz assault, with absolutely no warning, let alone invitation. Unless, of course, just breathing is an invitation. And added to that is the reality that most all women are aware that the accusation would be met with claims of lying. Which also says something very demoralizing. I found it very interesting that the one who will not be named, responded by saying, “Just look at her face, she’s ugly, you can’t believe I would even…” In other words, had she been the least bit attractive, of course he would do that. Perhaps your student would do well to look up the statistics and the underlying categorization that always accompanies such statistics, that most assaults are not reported because women know they will not be believed, or will be told that somehow, in some unknown manner, they invited the assault.



  18. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    Or perhaps, in his own perverted way and unintentionally, he is doing us all a favour by bringing the issue into such glaring light? That is a response to your note. The poem is terrific, and what it says is unarguable.


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