No Blue Thing

For NaPoWriMo: Day 3

The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #245

brief, endless, erotic, witness, grace, claim,
feed, speak, root, threads, empty, rare

Sunday’s Whirligig: Wordle #53

penguin, beak, wings, loosen, remains, stone,
preening, reclaiming, thanks, bite, scratch, survive

Poets United: Poetry Pantry #296


No Blue Thing

Am doing my own thing,
nothing blue about it.
Am being witness to
my own survival.

Claim no special grace
preening face of what is.
Reclaiming wings and beak
of words, colors that speak.

Like a penguin, I waddle-roll
through endless black/ white threads
of memory, briefly loosening what
remains beneath icy stones

of forgetting. Seeking that
which will feed roots of soul,
and take bite out of rare
empty moments of loneliness.

Instead, give thanks for almost
erotic sense of joy in knowing
that however long I continue
may never get far beyond

scratching its surface.

Elizabeth Crawford  4/3/2016

Notes: I’ve been doing one poem a week for about nine months. Each one fashioned from the two Sunday wordles. I didn’t want to interrupt that practice, so I swiped the two lists and made them into the prompt at my prompt site for NaPoWriMo. I usually accompany my prompts with some form of musical inspiration. For this one, I used No Blue Thing by
Ray Lynch. Obviously that’s where I got my title as well. I had copied the two lists before
seeking out the music. Had chosen instrumental music because we already had 24 words to deal with and didn’t need any more. The moment the music started, I had my title and first verse. This piece of music always makes me think of the Fool setting off on his journey, head in the air, and knapsack over his shoulder. By the time the number ended, I had a good rough draft of the poem. Somehow, the penguin simply fit with the music. You can find it here:

The image is a photograph manipulated with the kaleidoscope app. And I did use all of the words.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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15 Responses to No Blue Thing

  1. oldegg says:

    Lucky are those that have achieved all they want in life but most of us still have more to do, to reach, to find because that is the way we are made of never being satisfied.


  2. I keep rereading that second stanza, Elizabeth. It carries a zen quality that I like. That last line makes me smile, and I’m impressed that you used 24 words in this piece. That in itself deserves a brava! Perhaps weekly. ❤


  3. Jae Rose says:

    Being witness to our own survival – perhaps there is no more powerful thing..there are ups and downs..penguins and clowns but we keep going..we keep going xo


  4. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    I particularly liked the image of those penguins.


  5. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Like a penguin, I waddle-roll
    through endless black/ white threads
    of memory

    Such beauty in your lines 🙂


  6. annell4 says:

    Penquins in a line….penquins on the gangplank….all in its own good time. Loved the write.


  7. Sherry Marr says:

    I love everything about this poem, from its wonderful beginning, to the end. I especially relate to the waddling penguin, smiles……you are making an admirable journey, my friend, nothing blue about it. Shine on.


  8. C.C. says:

    “Am being witness to my own survival”–this is such a strong image…empowering and like a battle cry in some ways. It makes the reader want to rise up and move forward with the journey too.


  9. Sumana Roy says:

    Now…if I want to quote a favorite line I’ll have to quote the whole poem…from title to the last line …wowzers Elizabeth…


  10. Some wonderful lines in this Elizabeth! Bravo for some amazing multi-tasking here!


  11. Oh I absolutely love this especially the ending as I keep re-reading it! Just scratching the surface….


  12. seingraham says:

    Yes – as someone else said, wowzers Elizabeth … this is truly a tour de force. I think the idea of combining prompts is brilliant and it’s obviously working out well for you. Nicely done.


  13. kelvin s.m. says:

    To be able to do your own thing without the intent of causing harm to others or to the world is already a rewarding life for me. I like the image looking like a mysterious beautiful flower. 🙂


  14. ” …Seeking that
    which will feed roots of soul,
    and take bite out of rare
    empty moments of loneliness.

    Instead, give thanks for almost
    erotic sense of joy in knowing
    that however long I continue
    may never get far beyond

    scratching its surface.”

    Those lines really hit hard, Elizabeth. Can relate well.


  15. pmwanken says:

    Love these lines…
    Like a penguin, I waddle-roll
    through endless black/ white threads
    of memory, briefly loosening what
    remains beneath icy stones

    of forgetting.

    To me, those lines jumped out as I thought about those I know & love who have struggled with Alzheimer’s.


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