Mythopoesis 5 – The Parable

For NaPoWriMo Day 5 For Sunday Whirligig: Whirligig #1

The Fool Rider-Waite deckThe Parable

Mama, I’m home
and I remembered my
question, how if I’m asking
about something I don’t
know, can I tell if the answer
is right or wrong for me?.

As I told you child,you
have a very good memory.
I’ve been thinking about your question
through the day, and decided that
the best way to answer it might
be to tell you The Parable of The Fool.
I even found a picture about his story.

Parable? What is that?

Another kind of story, something
like myth because it tells about
some part of the human story
and holds truth within it.
But, a parable is meant to
explain a specific thing, to answer
a question, to illustrate it,
by drawing a picture of it
in the mind of the listener.
That way, when the listener
encounters a similar experience,
she, or he, will remember
the picture and not be confused
like you were when you asked
your question.

Okay, I think I understand.
A parable is meant to help
someone to understand
what is happening, what it means,
and to save it in her memory.
I like the picture, Mama,
the man looks happy not scared.

That’s because he isn’t scared.
He’s excited and happy because
he is going on a journey.
He is feeling good because
he thinks he is free,
able to go wherever he wants,
do whatever he feels like doing.
But, he is a beginner, and although
he might know some things,
it certainly is not enough.

Oh, he’s like me. He
doesn’t know what
he doesn’t know. He
has to learn more,
has to ask questions,
and to listen for the answers.

Yes, exactly. And he will learn.
That is what his journey
is meant to do. He can not fathom,
how much he has yet to understand.
And he is about to step into his first lesson.

Clapping hands: He’s going to find
out something he doesn’t know!
Am I right?

Yes, you are, little one.
He is going to learn that he
must be more careful. See,
he’s got his head in the air,
not looking where he is going,
and is about to step off the edge
of the path, and maybe fall off that cliff.

Oh No! He could crack his head,
or break a bone. Why isn’t he watching
where he is going, Mama?
Is that why he’s called a Fool?

Yes, and no, child. Yes,
because he’s allowing all these
new surroundings to fill up his mind,
and not let him be aware of the danger.
He’s called The Fool because
he is ignorant, doesn’t know what
he needs to learn. You see the stick he is carrying?

Yes, but what is that little bundle
tied on the end of it for?

That’s called a knapsack and it
represents what he does know.
He didn’t want to be burdened
with a lot of things to carry,
so he took only what he thought
he would need.

Maybe he should have packed
a suitcase instead.

Smiling, he still has a lot to learn.
And he will, but in this moment
he is thinking of other things,
like that piece of fruit he just ate,
how sweet it was, crisp and crunchy,
filled with juices that ran down his chin.

Oh, like the apples when they are ready,
and won’t make you sick,
that we talked about yesterday.

Or, he might be listening for all
the different bird songs he’s been hearing,
and relishing all the new things he will be seeing,
and how glad he is that he has chosen
to take this journey and maybe make an adventure.

What about the little dog Mama, what does he represent?

Ah, you are catching on to how
the picture tells the story without
using words. That’s very smart, my child.
The little dog represents intuition,
the part of the brain that sees many things,
but most of all, what might harm us.
Dogs represent loyalty, and our intuition
travels with us wherever we go,
often warning us about the things
that might harm us, and others,
especially when we aren’t paying attention
to our surroundings. The little dog pounds
along at his feet, barking, trying to get his attention.

I think I understand. It’s like
when I’m at school, and I hear
you in my head, telling me that maybe
I really don’t want to do something ’cause

I could get hurt. But, it’s not really you,
it’s my in-tu-i-tion. Is that right?

Yes, that is right. It won’t
always be my voice, it might
be someone else’s, or something
that you remember happening,
or seeing before. It’s lots of things,
but what is most important,
is that we learn to listen to our intuition.
It is there to help us through our journey in life.

Why is he carrying that little white flower in his other hand?

That little white flower may be
the most important part of the parable.
It speaks about the ongoing dispute
between the head and the heart
that can sometimes feel like a war
being fought inside of us.

A war? Inside of us? That sounds scarey.

It can be. Right now, we must stop
and fix dinner. We’ll continue later
after we’ve eaten. Is that okay?

Yes, of course it is. Do you
have more pictures that tell parables?

An entire deck of them, child,
each card with a picture
and a parable of some sort.

Elizabeth Crawford 4/5/15

Notes: I already knew before starting this post that it would be about The Fool, just didn’t know quite how that would come about. Then remembered the Whirligig and went looking for the words. Couldn’t believe what they were, and knew immediately how they would fall into place for the post I had in mind. Thank you MMT, I love the synchronicity. The image is from the internet and is the zero (first card) of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The post is a bit lengthy, but I’m hoping you won’t mind.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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22 Responses to Mythopoesis 5 – The Parable

  1. Sumana Roy says:

    This is a delightful read…love how cleverly you’ve used all the words specially ‘suitcase’…

    Thank you so much, Sumana. The words were a godsend and I could see how each would fit into this myth/story as I read them off. They actually directed the unfolding of the story and I am so glad they did. I had the bare bones in my head, but they gave me the path to follow, and without any argument, lol,



  2. Jae Rose says:

    Synchronicity is the best thing..and what a wonderful dialogue…that little flower..the war inside us…that shouted out the a way i envy the fool…to enjoy the moment for what it is..the sweetest apple juices dribbling down your chin..maybe that’s not so foolish! Peaceful Sunday to you Elizabeth

    Yes, I agree Jae. I am the Fool who decided to take this journey of writing a mythos piece each day. Actually, I had been doing a lot of reading about the word “mythopoesis”, and each article I read (there were many) clearly stated that the myth-makers of each generation are the POETS AND ARTISTS. I guess I took that challenge personally and am amazed at the results so far. And there have been many moments when I would definitely prefer to be tasting that sweet apple juice, laughing as I let it dribble down my chin.



  3. jossina says:

    I really stopped a moment pondering whether to read such a lengthy one or not . But I am glad that I stopped . It was a delightful read .and I am thinking of reading it to my boys tonight. looking forward for more.

    Oh, Wow! Thank you Jossina. I am writing this ongoing myth/story through the days of April. One piece a day. You have warmed my heart and given me inspiration and the will to continue on this self-imposed challenge. Thank you again,



  4. oldegg says:

    You can have your head in the clouds so long as you feet are on the ground. Beautiful told Elizabeth.

    Exactly, OldEgg and I certainly feel like both at the moment. Perhaps, that is why this piece seemed so determined to be written and told. I am living in it, lol. Thanks for your astute words,



  5. kaykuala h says:

    An entire deck of them, child,
    each card with a picture
    and a parable of some sort.

    The beauty of those who have given thoughts to them and shared them with others.You have rightly given us an insight into them too Elizabeth!


    For a while, I collected different decks, simply because they are so gorgeous and so informative. I use the Tarot for self-exploration and have learned a great deal from its symbolism and the different perspectives each author applies to the images. That’s why the little white flower is so important and hopefully will get tackled tomorrow. They are myth-making in the process. Glad you enjoyed and thanks so much for your kind words,



  6. Mary says:

    Wonderful story, Elizabeth. Love the way the ‘teachable moment’ was utilized & the meaning you gave to the card. I am sure this is a lesson ‘the child’ will long remember. And to think that there is a ‘whole deck’ of lessons! Smiles.

    Thanks Mary, for your words and the smiles. I’m the Mother and the Child, on some level, and can only hope the same. And yes, to think of it and how much more there is still to learn. Good thing that is one of my favorite activities, yes?



  7. drpkp says:

    Absolutely beautiful – thank you for this one …

    Thank you Pearl, for finding beauty here. That is so soul satisfying,



  8. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    How like the fool I am! I know some things, but not enough! Thanks for participating in Sunday’s Whirligig. Looking forward to seeing you over the next three months.

    Whirligig Bits and Pieces

    Well, at least we know that we’ll never know it all in one lifetime. And, at some point we are all The Fool, that is what being human is all about, I think. The words were such a gift, like a lavender wrapped Easter basket, just for me. And yes, I look forward to even more. And if you need them, I can certainly lend a few to this endeavor. We are all grateful that you stepped up and into the breach, brave person that you are.



  9. Sanaa says:

    This is absolutely delightful… enjoyed it 😀

    Thank you Sanaa, I left a comment at your site, at least I think I did. It seemed to disappear. I liked the lesson in your flow of words,



  10. Oh I loved this story telling between the child and mother…a wonderful reminder of the stories my mother taught me….not too long at all. And using the Fool card is perfect for teaching about life.

    Glad you enjoyed it, Donna. I really was worried about the length, but wasn’t willing to cut any of it out. I really like and enjoy the Tarot imagery and all of its symbolism. Hope your Easter is a happy one,



  11. Absolutely charming and a beautiful read.

    Not nearly as funny as your parable Keith. I enjoyed writing it and remembering all the meanings in the card image. And I’m certainly enjoying my experience this month. Happy Easter,



  12. Sherry Marr says:

    Another wonderful story and explanation. I am LOVING this series and hope they become a book! What a fantastic idea for the month of April. These ongoing conversations are deeply wise, and a delight to read.

    Thank you dear friend. I’m glad you are enjoying them. Each one has been an adventure in its own write. I’m really glad I decided to do this. Have always been fascinated with myth and mythos. The past week has been horrendous on so many levels, but I could come here, to this space, and forget all the other stuff while doing the thing I love most. Yes, it’s work sometimes, but there is really no deeper satisfaction that I know of. I was so very saddened at your post. There are no words, yet you found a way to say it for all of us. Thank you, Sherry,



  13. amazing one.


    Hi Mary, I’m a bit confused. Do you have a blog where you post your writing? I couldn’t seem to track you down. Let me know, if you can as I’d like to return your visit. And thank you for visiting here and for your kind words,



  14. C.C. says:

    I love the way you have written this in such a conversational style….the casual relationship between the mother and her son…it is so natural….just as it would unfold in real life. Very well written and easy to read but also with some great life moment teaching tools in there…reminds me of the Aesop Fable style and I loved Aesop’s Fables as a child 🙂 Still do!

    C.C., glad to know that you liked it. I am attempting to make myth each day of April. It is both an experiment, and a personal challenge. So far it has been a surprise and an adventure. Each day, I add a new piece to the myth that is building here. That wasn’t the original plan, it simply happened in the process, but I like it as well. It is making me even more curious than I have always been,



  15. kelvin s.m. says:

    I wouldn’t mind reading this again & again as I certainly think your telling here was so rich for one not able to get something to keep & savour. Thank you for the read. Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter to you as well, Kelvin. Thank you taking the time to read and comment,



  16. humbird says:

    It was very delightful, nice form of dialog mother with child about life, and of course, lovely use of Tarot’s Fool. Enjoyed very much, Elizabeth! 🙂


  17. totomai says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed the read, Elizabeth. There is a certain charm that resonates until the last line.

    Ah, the curiosity and innocence of a child. And the picture of the loving mother. Sweet.

    Glad you found sweetness here and enjoyed the read. And thank you for the charm, Totomai. I really enjoyed your photos,



  18. Sanaa says:

    Hello Elizabeth,
    I received it… its just comment moderator… would never let anyone’s comment disappear 🙂
    Thank you so much for stopping by 😀
    Happy Easter! 😀


    Sorry for the extra bother Sanaa. Usually one sees a message of some kind. When it just disappeared I figured it might be gone. Thank you for coming back to let me know that it wasn’t.



  19. Pamela says:

    Really very nice, Elizabeth. Happy Easter to you.

    Pamela ox

    And the same to you, my friend.



  20. glmeisner says:

    The old uses for the cards are great inspiration. Well written.

    I agree gl, the cards got a bad rap because of the type of people who can not embrace any kind of change. I’m thinking, it might be interesting to see what happens if the reverse reading meant simply “always looking back”. Thanks for visiting.



  21. I am loving your mythopoesis, Elizabeth, and learning with the child along the way. You deepened my understanding of the fool, and for that I am grateful. Brava!

    Oh Brenda, you aren’t the only one, lol. This whole experiment of writing a myth a day, has been a learning experience from day one. The Fool comes in all ages, perhaps especially in the more advanced ones?



  22. Myrna Rosa says:

    I like the use of the card to teach a lesson. Nice how you wove this story around given words. You combine so well your imagination and your wisdom.

    Ah, high praise, Myrna. I am a retired writing instructor and often used the cards in my classroom for self-exploration. At one point, using them as a focal point at an all day retreat for a group of ministers. That is one of my best memories about my teaching experiences. Thank you for your very kind words, I will take them to the kudo box, as soon as I remember where I put it.



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