Tangled Perfect Fit

for Big Tent Poetry prompt: 7/9/10 play with a pair of words in opposition*

Tangled Perfect Fit

Watched you, no more than eight
or nine, listen intently as therapist,
young stranger, spoke of family Myths.
Saw eyes come alive, light up,
when she spoke of good little girl
who thinks she has been missed
because her wheel doesn’t squeak,
so needs no further attention.

Saw you reach for it, grab hold,
try it on and pivot to that reflection,
moving to feel of another reality, liking folds
of fabric, how they could hold skinny
barely learned perceptions. Heard
your sigh of contentment, like coming
home to settle back, relax in immediate,
if only momentary, comfortably
perfect fit.

Have often thought, through years,
how much I’d like to go back to that young
woman, ask her if she ever learned
that Truth within Myths changes over
time, as we grow, begin to climb, find
need of longer sleeves, looser  folds
to hide behind, and capacious hood
for inclement weather. Tell her,
it isn’t good to tether self to such
as these, to hinder movement, bind talent
and ability, constrict and cramp breathing
soul, restricting flow of growth toward wider
thought and feeling.

Wish to tell her to remember that Myths
are built from only bits of Truth,
as malleable as youth, still in need
of deeper wisdom. No more than legend,
meant only to extend invitation
to further knowing, spoken, never carved
in stone, nor are they labeled, One size fits
all, and must be worn forever.

Elizabeth Crawford  7/9/10

*My apologies to one and all. This is what happens when, in a rush, you misread the prompt and instead of ending up in Spokane, you find yourself in Miami, lol.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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36 Responses to Tangled Perfect Fit

  1. Mary says:

    Elizabeth, you really went ‘deep’ with this prompt and have me thinking about truths within myths changing over time. You are right, of course, and have presented such a wonderful poem expanding this thought.


  2. Diane T. says:

    Elizabeth, nicely written poem. One size certainly does not fit all. I enjoyed your whole poem, starting with your clever title. Lots of wisdom here.


  3. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Mary,

    The prompt got me to thinking about something and led to this. Didn’t realize til later how far away I had strayed from the prompt. But, apparently this one needed to come out.



  4. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Diane,

    got triggered while playing with the words. Not sure it is Wisdom, maybe more experience than anything else.



  5. derrick2 says:

    Whether or not you misread the prompt, the poem is excellent, particularly the final stanza. And I love the gentle rhymes within the work.


  6. pamela says:

    Elizabeth even if you misread the prompt you ended up writing a fantastic poem!
    I love the last line!


  7. 1sojournal says:


    thank you for your kind and generous words. Maybe next time I can do one on listen to missin’?



  8. 1sojournal says:


    thank you for the fantastic comment. And the last line is also one of my favorites. But, “capacious hood” just might refer to what happens when one lets ones head swell a bit too much. Now there’s an idea for a poem, lol.



  9. brenda w says:

    Elizabeth, This is thought provoking. Exploring the myths of our lives is part of poetry, therapy, story telling. I love this piece. It contains a beautiful thread of wisdom.


  10. Evocative post—we’re all tethered to myths—some family, some societal.


  11. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Brenda,

    when I taught as a Free Lance Instructor, I had complete control over choice of the curriculum. I encouraged my students to use Myths as a means of changing the ends of their stories. I did the exercises and assignments, right along with them. It was always an incredible learning experience and one that was and is repeated often.



  12. 1sojournal says:


    yes we are. And then there are the Archetypes that grow out of them. They can be so enticing that one forgets to move on and grow beyond them.



  13. twitches says:

    Interesting how you leave out the “I” at the beginning of each stanza. Nicely done. An interesting idea for a poem,.


  14. systematicweasel says:

    One size can never be worn forever. An excellent response to the prompt. Good post!


    PS: I just missed Patti Smith a couple of months ago. She was promoting her new book and a local college, but one that was on the other side of town for me. One of my teachers interviewed her on the local NPR radio station.


  15. 1sojournal says:


    I started writing shortly after the era that found it a sin for the poet to use that capitol I. However, because I actually was involved in the incident and its consequences, I worked very hard to pull back to the position of observer in this piece. I was far more worried about sounding didactic, and am still not convinced I managed that. Thanks for your comments.



  16. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you weasel,for reading and commenting. A good friend of long standing recommended Patti Smith to me, and I’m really glad that she did. Sorry you missed seeing her in person, hopefully there will be another opportunity.



  17. Tumblewords says:

    Surely myth surrounds us in many fashions through life. I love the way you used ‘missed because her wheel didn’t squeak’. There’s much wisdom in those few words. Great poem!


  18. 1sojournal says:


    yes, I believe that myths abound, too numerous to really know all of them. They are wonderful tools for exploring our varied life experiences. And in this instance, one only is just never enough.

    Thank you for taking time to read and comment. Speaking of learning tools, I think the ungoing exchange of responses and comments is a fantastic one.



  19. Deb says:

    Prompts are only a starting point … and responding however it suits at the time is wonderful, as this poem shows. Well done!


  20. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Deb,

    I think I know the path that got me here. Love became Truth, Hat became Myth, memories got triggered and I was off and running. But, for an old woman that just shows me that dementia hasn’t settled in yet. Which is good to know. Still think I must try this wonderful prompt at some point, it has been so much fun reading these particular responses. So much inspiration and I thank you for that.



  21. I’ve misread prompts before, and probably will again. This doesn’t suffer at all because of it. You delve into some fertile subject matter, and I think your perspective on it is perfect.


  22. 1sojournal says:

    Wow! Thank you, Francis,

    Perfect? That would mean I’ve been successful on some level and the Nay-Sayer is gonna try to have a field day. All of that because I used this prompt to avoid another more pressing matter. Okay, I’ll take it and run. Actually, I’ll stiffly limp to bed and some much needed sleep, lol. But, thank you again,



  23. Rallentanda says:

    Thankyou so much Elizabeth for taking part in the collaborative poem. It has not ended. I am going to try to keep it going all weekend ( so ignore all sabotage attempts). Let us see where it takes us.


  24. nan says:

    Wow – you were definitely meant to travel to Miami and not Spokane. This is a great poem. I felt the pain and the growth and the understanding. I guess it really is about the journey and not the destination. Very nice.


  25. 1sojournal says:


    I really enjoy collaborative writing endeavors, and often encouraged them in my classroom. My problem is not with words, the writing, or the challenge, but with time constrainsts and other obligations, a nieces wedding reception. I will participate as I am able, but thank you for mentioning it. It certainly is fun and a good form of release, as well as an opportunity to stretch skills and abilities.



  26. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Nan, and I agree about the journey versus the destination. Seeing as I’ve never been to Spokane or Miami, and simply picked them out of my stew of thoughts, I can’t really speak very knowingly of either, lol.

    The subject matter is a different thing. It is one I have been facinated with for many years. Our need to embrace Myth, identify with it, and even use it as guide of sorts for understanding and perhaps even some manner of resolution. Putting that all into a poem was a lot of work and a lot of rewriting. Good thing we have several days in which to tweak what we offer, lol. I really needed it this time.



  27. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Jeeves, I personally don’t think it is quite done yet. The fabric may have a few snags, and rough spots that need to be smoothed over. But, then again, when is a poem really finished?



  28. Kelly says:

    Elizabeth – I really like this poem, particularly the beginning of the last stanza: …Myths are built from only bits of Truth, as malleable as youth, still in need of deeper wisdom.
    Very well done.


  29. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Kelly, and that was one of the first lines that popped into my head when I sat to write. This piece went through a few transformations, lol. Thanks for reading and commenting,



  30. Cara Holman says:

    So true that “Truth within Myths changes over time”– and life is all about getting at that truth. Thought provoking poem.


  31. 1sojournal says:

    Thanks Cara, for taking the time to come and read. I figured you might be a bit perplexed when you came looking for a poem and found that fork in the road instead. I like the poem, but, as I said above, am not sure it is finished yet.

    thank you for doing double time,



  32. Cara Holman says:

    Elizabeth, I write poetry and prose as well, so I’m always happy to read either. And since I don’t have enough energy to maintain two different blogs– I just mix them all together. 🙂


  33. 1sojournal says:

    I actually have three blogs and if I mixed them all together I’d get confused. It’s probably the only place in my life that is actually somewhat ordered. We need at least one of those, I bet. Just to wave a hand at occasional sanity. I think prose and poetry call for slightly different elements, but of course, I mix them a bit here and there. One of the reasons for the defining lines, more than likely. Anyway, I’m glad you do the same and understand. It’s wonderful to meet so many new and very talented people. I’ve really been missing that.



  34. b_y says:

    You could have prompted her in another direction, but likely she’d have gone to her own Miami.


  35. 1sojournal says:

    I tried, but as far as she was concerned, she’d already found home. If you are like me, and believe in the freedom to choose, then at a certain point, you have to back off and just let it happen. Learn how to live a bit lonely at moments but always with hope, lots and lots of hope.

    Thank you for listening, you are very good at it.



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