A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Wordle

For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #62

A Funny Thing Happened on The Way To The Wordle

Scraps of strange musical
montage seep through window
begging memory to build
a little birdhouse in
a soul.

While outside, ample slabs
of granite form flawed domain
in which tiny particle man
could get lost forever,

and light-stealing demons,
who might be giants, are trapped
inside jasmine-yellowed sunset,
waiting, just whistling in the dark.

Elizabeth Crawford  6/24/12

Notes: Years ago, a young friend introduced me to a couple of musicians called They Might Be Giants. I loved the crazy nonsensical/ yet sensical lyrics and the strange funky music. We attended one of their concerts in an old theatre in Milwaukee. The concert ended with a bang when members of the audience jumped on the extended stage to dance and it collapsed. No one was injured, but it certainly was memorable. Had no idea what to do with the Wordle words, but when I got to the word whistle, the song began playing in my head and the rest is history, lol. Each stanza contains a song title and they may be found here:

Build A Little Birdhouse in Your Soul:

Particle Man:

Whistling In The Dark:

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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20 Responses to A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Wordle

  1. Laurie Kolp says:

    Love this, Elizabeth… especailly the first stanza. Thanks for your note, too. I bet that was some experience.


    It certainly was. The music is a bit infectious and boisterous, so wasn’t surprised when everyone headed for the stage. The stage seemed to fall in slow motion. An ambulance was called, but as far as we could tell, no one was put into it. Glad you enjoyed,



  2. I bet that stage collapsing gave them all a huge scare. Lessons learned. Thankfully no-one was hurt. They sound like a lot of fun, So was your worlde. 🙂

    They are a lot of fun, hard to just sit still or stop grinning when they play. That’s why I put up the addies. They are definitely alternative. Glad you like the piece,



  3. Tilly Bud says:

    Nice to see you having fun, Elizabeth 🙂

    Thanks Tilly Bud, I did enjoy this one, looking up the songs and then figuring out how to fit them into the piece.



  4. I LOVE that line “build a little birdhouse in your soul”. Oh yes! Because a little bird poop never hurt anyone, hee hee. I love where the wordle took you – quite magical. Love the giants trapped and waiting for sunset.

    Loved it when the demons turned into the band. And that has always been my favorite of their songs. Thanks for stopping Sherry,



  5. brenda w says:

    You definitely created a montage with these words, Elizabeth. Thank you for your story, your poetic response to it, and the links. The last stanza is my favorite. Those demons are tricky.

    Thanks much Brenda. And yes they are tricky. One of the reasons I liked the music so much was because it was so seemingly nonsensical. But if you listened closely, it also made a certain kind of sense as well as told a story,



  6. 4joy says:

    well-done….truly enjoyable and fun verse

    Glad you enjoyed 4joy, I certainly enjoyed writing it,



  7. anl4 says:

    Isn’t it funny how the words bring back memories? I like this very much!

    Annell, I always have music in my head and this is the not the first time it’s taken me into poetry. Have always thought it was my love of music that drew me in the first place.



  8. Elizabeth, a truly enjoyable read. I know that group from their name, but I am having a hard time placing exactly where I remember them from. Was their music in the 80’s?


    Hi Pamela, actually I think it was more the early and mid nineties when I originally heard it. They’ve put out a lot of albums since then.



  9. Marianne says:

    Love this poem, Elizabeth, especially your last stanza:
    “light-stealing demons,
    who might be giants, are trapped
    inside jasmine-yellowed sunset,
    waiting, just whistling in the dark.”
    Gorgeous writing!

    Thanks so much Marianne, the music itself made it much easier.



  10. Mr. Walker says:

    Love this! Pure delight. I have been a fan of They Might Be Giants since their second album; I own about six of them now. I know each and every one of those three songs. Really like where “whistle” took you this week. Fun, fun, fun!


    So glad someone is familiar with them and the good feelings they create. I have done this with other music. The best of those pieces may be found here: https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/2010/07/16/its-about-time/
    It was done to a very difficult prompt, but it was pure joy as it unfolded. Thanks so much Richard and glad you enjoyed the fun of it all,



  11. Mary says:

    I just loved “jasmine-yellowed sunset,” Elizabeth. And the title really made me smile!! Sometimes one just has to have fun with the words.

    Mary, as you know, I do a lot of coloring with India Ink and pens. Jasmine yellow is one of my favorite because it is a darker, almost golden shade. That’s the only thing that came to mind when I hit that word. Sometimes the words make it so easy, yes? And fun,



  12. Love that group and especially that song!!! I’m going to have to get that one out for a listen!!

    Thanks Hannah, that was half the fun of doing this. Going in search of and then listening to the music and the memories the songs brought with them. Glad you enjoyed it,



  13. Lovely, picturesque poem. Love your images.

    Welcome to Soul’s Music Benjamin and thank you,



  14. Irene says:

    Interesting backstory Elizabeth, and your words brought out that memory.

    Thanks Irene, for stopping and commenting. There was a time in my life when music became a demon or a ghost. So glad that is over with,



  15. pmwanken says:

    How very fun to incorporate those titles into your work! I just might have to give that a go someday. 🙂

    Paula, I used to use some form of this for exercises in the classroom. I’ve done it many times and it is fun. You can check out another one on this blog. The directions to it can be found in my reply to Richard, thanks for stopping by,



  16. Tumblewords says:

    An absolutely delightful piece!

    Thank you tumblewords, glad you enjoyed it,



  17. Lilu says:

    This was fun. I loved the last stanza. Gorgeous! (The italics were a little confusing though…)

    Sorry Lilu. I used the italics to separate the song titles from my own words. Glad that you found it fun though,



  18. Misky says:

    The last line is my favourite. Lovely poem.

    Thank you very much Misky,



  19. Wonderful, I love where you went with this. Quite lovely and fun.

    Thank you Diane, am still looking for an addie for you so that I might return the visit.



  20. JulesPaige says:

    It is true that inspiration just ‘strikes’ as in with my second entry for the Whirl in ‘Crust…’
    Which was written after the story verse (the link can be found at the bottom of that piece).
    I enjoy reading the process notes and will have a look-listen at the music in just a moment…And that is partly why now I try to include ‘notes’ because they are just as fun as the piece itself!

    Jules, must agree with you on the notes. They really do much to broaden the view of both writer and reader. Loved your “Crust” piece and am impressed with your continuing Wordle tale. Not sure I would even begin,



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