Self Speaking to Self

Here we stand together
on Lucille’s bridge, caught
between star-shine and clay.

This current quest ends today,
but tomorrow we continue.
Waters of life keep flowing
and we will go with them.

Through peace or turbulence
it makes no difference
because we have found that very thing
for which we have been seeking.

It has brought us, once again,
that simple joy and wonder to be found
in being one who breathes, and is


Elizabeth Crawford

Note: Sherry gave me the word “bridge”, and I knew immediately that I would go back
to Lucille Clifton’s birthday poem. But then got sort of stalled with a hundred different
ways, or paths, I could take. Went searching through my files, here on line, skimming
through my past Napo journeys. Found the song and knew it was exactly what I
needed. And it was. Listened to it and knew right where I was going.

I haven’t written any poetry in the past year. Too busy finishing and editing my
almost 200 pages of “poetic memoir.” I was very hesitant to begin this year and
it shows in those first pieces I wrote. It is a most amazing, and humbling experience
to be a writer/poet seeking to hopefully find her own voice.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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7 Responses to Self Speaking to Self

  1. Sherry Marr says:

    What a perfect poem to wrap up Poetry month, my friend. As always, it is a journey, with unexpected moments. I am glad that “tomorrow we continue”. That poetry journey we began so long ago will continue. Yay!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. KT Workman says:

    Beautiful poem, Elizabeth. And a beautiful song to accompany it. I enjoyed both.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you Sherry. This journey was different from the others. A lack of confidence might have had something to do with that. But, yes, I too am glad and grateful that the journey continues. And I’ve had a few ideas about that. We’ll talk soon?



  4. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you, KT. I’m glad you like both. The song is an old favorite of mine, and I think I used it the first time I ever did Napo. It accompanied me most of that journey. It would seem to be a part of the magic involved in all of this seeking I continue to do.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. KT Workman says:

    I’ve often thought of music as the soundtrack of our lives. I associate many songs to a certain event in my life, a certain moment, a certain person. My cousin, Lesa, who I wrote a little about in “The Root House” was my very best friend for my entire life until she died from cancer at age 51. Many old songs I associate with her. Lesa loved “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding. Every time I hear it, I smile…and sometimes cry a little.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 1sojournal says:

    That I understand, KT. Most mornings I wake up to music in my head, and can usually tell how my day will go, by whichever song is playing, lol. I used to sing, can’t anymore, and amazingly enough can still remember the words to songs I sang as a teenager. And like you, certain situations, or feelings bring up the music that matches them.



  7. KT Workman says:

    I also remember songs from my childhood…my older sisters played Elvis, among others, on their record player, and Mama listened to country and western (as it was known back then) on the radio. I sometimes wonder how my brain can hold all those songs but can’t recall where I parked my car in the Walmart parking lot. Anymore, I write the row # down on my list before I go in. 🙄

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