April PAD Challenge: Day 23

For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #296

split, strip, row, key, lethal, deck,
hollow, thrum, court, stay, fight, glass

For Sunday’s Whirligig: Wordle #108

soft, blind, peacetime, moons, candy, bastards,
lilting, maidens, rots, buggers, seldom, midnight

For Poets United: Poetry Pantry #350

Current News

Bastard politicians bugger the truth
and in a split second, words are hollow,
stripped of meaning. Become lethal weapons
thrumming with a blind desire for fight
to the death of any peacetime that might
have been.

While under blighted midnight moon, others
line up in row on deck, to throw rotten candy
at lilting maidens who softly croon of justice,
seldom found in cracked-glass court of law.
Begging for stay of execution from guilty, but
grinning, orange-faced warden fumbling his keys.

Elizabeth Crawford  4/23/2017

Notes: Will admit that when I first saw the two word lists, side by side, I threw my hands in the air and decided there was no way to mesh them together. Tried a bit, but gave it up and took a nap. When I awoke, came here and began typing, using thoughts of this week’s news (misplaced Armada, and Bill O’Reilly being fired but receiving a year’s wages). In fifteen minutes had it all down and used all of the words.

Image is an Escher drawing titled Unraveling. Thought is was appropriate for both the process and the poet.







About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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16 Responses to April PAD Challenge: Day 23

  1. Pingback: Thursday photo prompt – Shore #writephoto – Ladyleemanila

  2. thotpurge says:

    cracked glass court of law…like that!!! I think the context is local politics, but the poem comes out very strong.


  3. Of the two, the first stanza really touched a chord.


  4. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    I think you and the poem are very well ravelled! It’s wonderful, and the words perfect. Taking a nap is an excellent strategy; allows the subconscious to go to work. 🙂


  5. Jae Rose says:

    Trump’s words are hollow – yours are not 😉


  6. oldegg says:

    This is so well thought out and constructed and Iam in great admiration of you. I am still playing with words and may be some time!


  7. sanaarizvi says:

    This is soo powerfully written! I could feel each word, Elizabeth.


  8. Mary says:

    The orange-faced warden should be behind bars himself….he has dispersed too much ‘rotten candy’ along with many other ‘bastard politicians.’ I can see you were inspired, Elizabeth. These are troubling times.


  9. Sherry Marr says:

    I agree with Mary about the orange-faced warden. Bastard politicians for Sure!


  10. Today’s political news certainly gives us opportunity to use a lot of disparate words! What a masterful job you did. Applause from my corner.


  11. annell4 says:

    You are amazing!! An amazing write!


  12. Your first stanza had me nodding hard enough to hurt my neck. Unbelievable, isn’t it?

    And your note made me laugh, a bit hysterically…


  13. Myrna says:

    I love this. How you manage to combine all these words is beyond my comprehension. I think I need to take more naps. Maybe then, I too can write something a little funny but a lot sad about our state of affairs.


  14. Kudos, Eluzabeth! Great use of the words. Love the ‘orange-faced warden.’


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