
For Poets United Midweek Motif: Change



Change is upon us.
We knew it was coming,
yet are not prepared.

Couldn’t have dreamed
of these possibilities, so
scream at nightmares unleashed.

Waste energy girding belts
already tightened, watching
enlightenment become darkness.

Compassion and caring
tossed out like dirty dishwater,
replaced by blind greed.

Hope is not lost unless
we let go of it. Remember,
any light brings new definitions.

Hold onto that light, don’t let
these changes change you. Hold
true to that which is within you.

Alone we are fragile, but together
we can and must resist this evil
that now walks among us.

Together, hand in hand, we can
and will defeat these new/old

Elizabeth Crawford 1/25/2017

Notes: Carpetbaggers is a unique term that comes from American History. After the Civil War, there was a period of time labeled the Reconstruction. Supposedly a time of rebuilding that would unify the country, once again. Opportunists flooded the beleaguered Southern States with only one intention, to fill their own coffers during that rebuilding. They were called by that name because they didn’t travel with heavy suitcases but with a bag made of carpet material and far more easily handled (just in case they were discovered and had to flee quickly).  They lied and cheated, taking advantage wherever possible, always making promises, they had no intention of keeping. Sound familiar?

I recently watched an old series on Netflix titled Hell on Wheels. It is the story of the building of the transcontinental railroad, which was considered a symbol of reunification. It’s a sometimes raw and gritty portrayal but not a bad one of that reality. And Colm Meany plays a very good Trump-like character throughout. Which is one of the reasons I watched the whole series.

The image is a photo of a bonfire put through the kaleidoscope app.






About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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12 Responses to Carpetbaggers

  1. Thotpurge says:

    Hope is not lost unless
    we let go of it… we need constant reminders of that..thank you.


  2. Sumana Roy says:

    “…Remember, / any light brings new definitions.”…true we live in the age of carpetbaggers (i was appalled to know its meaning) yet we must have patience to decipher the new meaning to march forward…


  3. kaykuala h says:

    Compassion and caring
    tossed out like dirty dishwater,
    replaced by blind greed
    but together we can and must resist this evil

    It is most appalling to see corporate entities lose their directions. We have reasons to hope for the better and not to succumb meekly!



  4. annell4 says:

    You “nailed” it!!!


  5. “Hope is not lost unless we let go of it”…what a wise and beautiful line. Together hand in hand we can hold on to hope! An inspiring write Elizabeth!


  6. Susan says:

    The carpetbagger reference is accurate. I particularly liked this, though: “Alone we are fragile, but together
    we can and must resist . . . “


  7. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    Thank you for holding out the hope that the carpetbaggers will be defeated.


  8. oldegg says:

    Most countries have a safeguards to prevent abuse of the system and established law. Let’s hope not too much damage is done. Meanwhile the rest of the world looks on with amazement…but not amusement.


  9. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    I love the fiery optimism that shines in this poem! We shall defeat indeed!


  10. oldegg says:

    Time and politics keep turning and we just have to bear the unbearable until it is time to vote again. Sometimes we learn a lesson other times not.


  11. Jae Rose says:

    There are some external changes we can’t change.. i do so hope there will always be a small fire of goodness inside us to fight the good fight..


  12. Rommy says:

    It is sad there are always people looking to cash in on the misery of others, with no intent to actually do anything to alleviate it.


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