
Poets United: Midweek Motif, invisibility



The words
that for so long
have been the fence posts
of my journey
have disappeared.

Somehow become invisible.

Slipping away on streams
of feelings which no longer
have names, let alone meaning.
Awash in divisive rhetoric
so slippery it can not be grasped.

Refusing to be held accountable.

Ignorance, now polished
with a golden sheen, blinds
the eye of any beholder, and hatred,
fueled by childish spite, ignites
fists and hearts of those

who once were friends, family, neighbors.

Peace. Love. Forgiveness. Empathy.
Washed overboard by vitriolic acid
that eats away soul’s definition
of Life, of living. Destroying futures
of untold generations. Building walls

where once there were open doors.

Lit from within with light of diversity
that could heal with simple expressions
of compassion, hope, and acceptance.
In this looming darkness, I can only
pray, to find once again,

The Words.

Elizabeth Crawford 11/16/2016

Notes: Been having trouble writing anything. Found the prompt at Poets United and it captured my attention as nothing has for several days. Thank you.

Image is from the internet.





About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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13 Responses to Indivisible

  1. thotpurge says:

    the words always come back…the mist lifts off the fence…


  2. Gillena Cox says:

    Ah what a powerful write, its a struggle having to deal with negative issues yet the instruction of love never leaves its haunting sphere

    much love…


  3. hypercryptical says:

    A powerful and timely write Elizabeth.
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]


  4. Sumana Roy says:

    “Ignorance, now polished
    with a golden sheen, blinds
    the eye of any beholder,” nothing can be truer than this….


  5. Susan says:

    Wow! These words of loss could have meaning outside the realm of the USA election, but I’m mired here and that’s how I am reading your poem. How Brilliant! Concepts like Under God and Indivisible used to grace my world as well and I mourn their death. Only it really cannot stay this way. Those weren’t mere fence posts but ideas to live for. And I don’t just want to find them–I want them Better. I want them Real.


  6. Sherry Marr says:

    I feel the same way, my friend. Someone mentioned having joined with people to sing We Shall Overcome. But at our age, we have spent decades Overcoming. A great weariness falls over me at the world being set back fifty years. It is hard to find the words these days. My best hope is that this state of affairs wont last long.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    May you continue to find the Words. I think they are needed.


  8. Mary says:

    Your words are important. I do hope that you will find them again. We need them to light the way in this dark times.


  9. oldegg says:

    How great it was to read this poem. Your muse has returned with a glorious piece of writing.


  10. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    I join with Sherry in hoping that the current state of affairs won’t last long (although four years may seem like an eternity). May all of our disappeared fence posts be found again.


  11. bkmackenzie says:

    how true and now sad at this the most celebrated time for family and friends coming together all seems divided…bkm


  12. jammy7000 says:

    I like the play on “indivisible/invisible”. It is hard to look at today’s changing world and not be depressed. Perhaps even more worrying is seeing young people who see it all and accept it as they have not lived through better, gentler, kinder times. We do need words and we do need people who make the invisible visible in order to change the world for the better. Well-penned!


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