About That First Poem

For Poets United: Poetry Pantry #309


About That First Poem

I think that we’re beginning to remember that the first poets didn’t come out of a classroom, that poetry began when somebody walked off of a savanna or out of a cave and looked up at the sky with wonder and said, “Ahhh.” That was the first poem.

___Lucille Clifton

Do you remember that first time?
Lying on your back, looking up
at a midnight blue sky, seeing
your first shooting star?

Shimmering light, moving
with speed, a streak against
that deep blue velvet. Straight
line focus of absolute certainty,
there and then gone.

No matter the hours, days,
months or years, you will
wait. Yearning to catch
another such glimpse,

longing to see, to hear again
the poem it left singing silently
in your soul.

Elizabeth Crawford  7/3/16

Notes: Spent some time this past week exploring quotes about writing poetry. Found this gem from one of my favorites and my thoughts began dancing. That happens a lot.




About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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16 Responses to About That First Poem

  1. Suyash J says:

    Lovely . I think first times have a charm of their own, despite how imperfect they might be.


  2. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    This is soo beautiful! Nothing like the charm of “first time” ❤


  3. Sumana Roy says:

    “…it left singing silently / in your soul.” that feel of the first time….


  4. Vinay Leo R. says:

    Beautiful. I haven’t had the chance to get the midnight blue sky yet, but I think the first time looking at the starry sky, and seeing the heavens free, that’s still a first time that’s inspirational. 🙂 Thank you for this poem. I absolutely loved it.


  5. Sherry Marr says:

    “Longing to….hear again, the poem it left softly singing in your soul”. This is so beautiful, Elizabeth. I can see that sky shimmering up above.


  6. Oh yes I remember and I long to see its beauty over and over…..I love the idea of the first poem….

    ‘longing to see, to hear again
    the poem it left singing silently
    in your soul.’


  7. Mary says:

    Oh yes, that first time…writing and feeling the burn of the words deep within one’s soul! That first time is so special, and even though there are other, and perhaps more wonderful, poems written after that, the feeling of having written that first poem cannot be surpassed.


  8. annell4 says:

    I love this poem…I do not remember the first poem it was lost in so many words that tumbled out at once….


  9. Jae Rose says:

    Remembering the first poem seems like remembering our first love – it unfurls richly here..like a deeply coloured flower nestled inside (purple like your image) – a flower that won’t succumb to the elements just blossom and grow like our words…


  10. I think that poem still remains to be written by me, but I agree, it has to be the moment when poetry was born.


  11. totomai says:

    Ah the mystery of poetry. Those early poems hold a special place in our hearts. Thanks Elizabeth


  12. Susan says:

    Mystic experiences have that element of yearning as residue, I believe. Yet, after going there and using what is given again and again, the memory of the first time becomes gratitude. Thank you for the memory of my first “Aha!” It eventually led to poetry.


  13. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    Absolutely beautiful!


  14. oldegg says:

    How important it is to be an observer when writing poetry. The older you get the more you have seen the more you can draw upon to express your feelings. Even if you can’t sing yourself your words can…and should!


  15. thotpurge says:

    Absolutely! Beautifully written.


  16. ZQ says:

    Wow! One of your BEST. 🙂


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