As Nightingales Sing

For NaPoWriMo: Day 24 Sunday Smorgasbord

For Sunday’s Whirligig: Wordle #56

cooling, ascend, flesh, wine, grapes, knock,
burst, salt, nightingales, babes, prick, temples

For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle # 248

scar, hide, fire, prophet, vision, unholy,
naked, sin, close, hills, climb, light

For Poets United: Poetry Pantry #299

pic 10

pic 10

As Nightingales Sing

in the cooling light,
scarred man ascends
steps of temple, knocks,

seeking prophet
and a vision. Gentle
prophet pricks flesh,

then offers wine made
from bursting grapes.
Tells man his unholy sins

close a door to his soul.
Hide a fire within and salt
hills of his journey with sadness.

Scarred man cries softly,
curls up like a baby
feeling naked and lost.

Awakens alone, climbs
back down temple steps
and returns to lonely room,

where he begins to paint
nightingales singing in
cooling light.

Elizabeth Crawford  4/24/16

Notes: Could just as easily have titled this Epiphany. When we have an epiphany, we often mark it in some fashion: paint or draw an image, write a poem, or buy a talisman to remind us. A few days ago, Paula shared her process with us. Told us when she gets a word list, it usually draws a picture in her mind, and that image becomes the poem as the words fall in place. So, I gathered the words and sat waiting for an image. But, my own process took over and I heard the title and the first line. As soon as I typed it in, the rest of the words drew the image for me, line by line, and the whole was a surprise to me. My epiphany occurred when I realized that my process has been developed over time and maybe I shouldn’t mess with it.

The image is from the internet and is one of several that were used to create the title piece for this blog. And yes, I used all of the words.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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18 Responses to As Nightingales Sing

  1. thotpurge says:

    So interesting to read about your creative process… and you’re right, it results in such lovely poems, no point messing with it!!!


  2. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Such a gorgeous write 😀


  3. I cannot really avoid to think about the cries of doves when reading your words.


  4. oldegg says:

    I can’t help but think that his innocence has been twice lost. Once in his scars and the second by his treatment. Finally he cures himself.


  5. Jae Rose says:

    This does flow effortlessly..the pared down style matches the earnest desire..and finds the only answer – in a way the prophet gave an answer by not giving an answer – if that makes any sense!


  6. Absolutely….you have a most wonderful process that creates such beautiful poetry from all these words….I have always been in awe of that process. Thanks for the reminder to honor our own muse and process!


  7. Delightful. I so relate to the way your words just seem to flow from nowhere. Me too!

    Visit Keith’s Ramblings


  8. This is lovely, Elizabeth. That last stanza falls so gently into place.


  9. Mary says:

    I always like your explanations which reveal your process for writing! Really an ethereal poem, Elizabeth. Love the image of painting nightingales.


  10. Such a great, mysterious poem, with some wonderful lines. I especially like that image of the nightingale… and how this connects to the need for memory. For remembrance. Very nicely done.


  11. Sherry Marr says:

    What a beautiful title…and image. I love the line “and salt hills of his journey with sadness”. I love your process notes, and the way poems come to you. My process has been on pause since late winter. I am waiting for words to begin to come with ease again.


  12. Very interesting to read how your process works, Elizabeth, and the result is an excellent piece of writing.

    I’ve never actually thought about ‘how’ I write but you’ve definitely made me think about it. 🙂


  13. annell4 says:

    Dearest Elizabeth, may I say respectfully, you are a “smarty pants!” Loved the piece, and yes, you learned something, honor your own process…acquired over time, belongs to only you, it is wonderful…my own is different, and yet somewhat the same, we each get there in our own way…even if we don’t use all the words…sometimes they just don’t work…or we haven’t gotten to the place we know their place.


  14. Myrna Rosa says:

    Elizabeth, your process is clearly perfect. It is you. It leads to beautiful imagery and stories like this poem. Don’t change a thing.


  15. C.C. says:

    You have woven such a beautiful story here out of the words…..and I always enjoy your process notes at the end. Today is no exception….I think you’ve hit on something so profound and important….that we are true to who we uniquely are is pivotal in this mode of expression. Your authenticity shines through your words and adds the beauty of Elizabeth to them 🙂


  16. It always amazes me how you manage to bring such a wide range of words together so concisely.


  17. Misky says:

    That last stanza caught me completely by surprise, and I always love it when that happens!


  18. pmwanken says:

    I loved that it started and ended with the nightingale…bringing it full circle.

    And…in sharing my process I never intended to make it someone else’s. We should always follow our own path.


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