Mythopoesis 26 – Unraveling The Poem

For NaPoWriMo Day 26

And For The Sunday Whirligig: Whirligig #4

mottled, velour, purse, ink, dissonant, shade, stain, lace, diaphanous, clip, iridescent, weather

ex2a3 (2)abUnraveling The Poem

But, Darien sir, I still don’t
understand how a poem
can be a kitten?

Well, Joey, I said that a poem
is about a moment, or an experience.
But , that is only the beginning.
A poem can be anything. It is
whatever the poet wants it to be.
Maliah used metaphor in her poem.
That is a direct comparison between
two dissimilar things. By telling and showing
us the kitten, she was telling and showing
us about the poem.

Joey turns a confused
look on the man

First, Maliah told us the kitten
was white with a black heart spot
in the middle of his forehead.
We already know that black and white
are opposites, and there is a great
deal of distance between those two things.
The head is concerned with thoughts, ideas,
logic, while the heart is about feelings.
This may often cause a certain dissonance
within the individual, a conflict, or disagreement.
You said you could see the kitten playing
but it didn’t make sense that a poem
could be a kitten. A poem,
this poem, was as playful as that kitten,
but also pointed out a very real experience.
We all have moments when our heads
and hearts are telling us two different things.
I could just as easily say that this poem
is a Joey with mottled ink stains
on each of his five fingers.
That might be because Joey only owns
one ink pen. It’s old and leaky.
But Joey is like that kitten that wants
to grow, to learn, to know. So Joey,
like that kitten, and this poem, just keeps using
what he has, keeps reaching for what he wants.

Joey looks down at his hand, smiles
a sad smile, then slowly
raises the hand
to show his classmates
different shades
of ink stains
on his fingers. Some
of the children smile,
but Julie reaches
into her book bag/purse
and offers him
two extra pens
from the many she owns.

And the man from Interlude, aware
of bright glare in Joey’s eyes,
points to the sky and says, “It looks
like the weather might become disagreeable.
Perhaps we should stop for now
and continue tomorrow.

Elizabeth Crawford  4/26/15

Notes: Again, this is a continuation of my experiment with mythopoesis (making-myth). The poem, being discussed within the post, may be found here: Trying to use the word list was difficult, but I did manage to use 8 of the 12. The image is a kaleidoscope made from a pen and ink zen doodle.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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17 Responses to Mythopoesis 26 – Unraveling The Poem

  1. I like the idea of smiling ink stains!


  2. Sumana Roy says:

    love this playful poem about growing, learning and knowing with smiling ink stains…


  3. Mary says:

    I like the way poetry was explained in this poem. Indeed poetry can be anything that the poet wants it to be & can go in any direction. I think Joey will learn something from this charming encounter.


  4. oldegg says:

    We love metaphors as this allows us to be more at one with everything in the world by comparing ourselves and all we see, know, and feel with something quite different.


  5. kaykuala h says:

    Love metaphors as it is more effective and enhances thinking. It gives value to the message and you’ve done it very well Elizabeth!



  6. I really enjoy what you are doing and the conversations within…


  7. This is so great and once you start to create the images why not a kitten connecting ink. Somehow you write this a Rosarch test.. What can you find in that ink?


  8. i enjoyed the dialog in the poem.. and how it flows.


  9. Jae Rose says:

    Ah yes..kittens are very wise…just think where they took Alice..and Julies can always be counted upon to carry a notepad and’s to tomorrows poem 😉


  10. annell4 says:

    Thank you so much, Elizabeth!


  11. zongrik says:

    Joey is motteled with ink stans really goes well with that pictures you picked

    Things Could Be More Reliable


  12. scotthastiepoet says:

    Very intriguing effort Elizabeth and you bring it off to I think.. Much to admire here in your approach – a very enjoyable read. Thank you very much… With Best Wishes Scott


  13. totomai says:

    This made me smile. I can picture how these questions will continue. Well, that is a part of growing up I guess.

    The experimental format is shaping up pretty nicely, Elizabeth


  14. Wendy Bourke says:

    Very well drawn … an interesting read.


  15. Mr. Walker says:

    Delightful. I love the tone of the teacher – and having the other stanzas focus on more narrative elements with the students.


  16. glmeisner says:

    This poem is an educational story.


  17. humbird says:

    I like the incorporating another person/dialogue in the poem and building something more than poem out of discussing the poetic tools.. – very creatively done and I haven’t noticed the use of words. x


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