The Other I Am

For The Sunday Whirl prompt: Wordle 204

clay, sleep, tongues, powers, burns, wild,
dream, end, stolen, through, beginnings, am

Fantasy Secret Garden  8-15-09b

The Other I Am*

The Other I Am is no longer
a secret kept by me, from or to
myself. Had her beginnings

in sleep. Born wild from clay
of dreams, where she learned
the power of tongues, speech.

Her small light burning
through stolen moments,
she thought might never end.

But together we have built a garden
where we meet each day to find
various ways of telling our story.

Elizabeth Crawford  3/22/15

Notes: Last week, I shared what I defined as a zen doodle. Those were done in small 3×5 sketchbooks. I did get a much larger sketchbook which I titled Morphology. In it, I drew free-hand, images I called Fantasies. They were done in India Ink, usually all in one color and were a combination of line-weaving, zen doodles, and just play. The image that introduces this poem is just such a fantasy, done about four years ago. I titled it My Secret Garden. I have been working on a compilation of poetry, with some prose, for almost a year now. Lots of fitful stops and starts. The zen doodles have helped immensely because I can use them to finish off pages where the poems are short. After working on that addition through the week, I checked out the Morphology sketchbook and really liked what I found there. The next day, I got the wordle list and the poem sort of wrote itself in less than 15 minutes. The book is titled, The Other I Am. That is taken from a Walt Whitman quote in Leaves of Grass, from the section titled Song of Myself. 

*I believe in you my soul,
the other I am must not abase itself to you
And you must not be abased to the other

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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24 Responses to The Other I Am

  1. oldegg says:

    Only we know our other self. Strangely secret yet often a friend to confide in. Both a critic and encourager at the same time. No one should be without one. Loved it.


  2. This is good on so many levels, the poem itself, the image and the history of the poem. I know what you mean about fits and starts – I am trying to do the same, put together a memoir collection of mainly poetry with some prose, but keep stopping to do other things.


  3. my other, i’m constantly trying to understand yet at the same time knowing that the observer is me also…growing growing growing.

    well penned, oldegg



  4. Jae Rose says:

    I think we incorporate into ourselves all our stages of is like sharing a longer keeping quiet..learning to tell the story of self at various stages…with dignity and grace…beautiful and sage as ever Elizabeth – happy Sunday to you too – and have you come across a colouring book called Secret Garden by Johanna Basford..if you haven’t you may enjoy it…


  5. kelvin s.m. says:

    What a wonderful & adorable gift you have, Elizabeth. I am really loving that zen doodle of yours. It just goes well with your words today. I like in particular the last stanza and yes, keep telling these stories of ‘yous’ to the world. We may get lost at times in this life but the other us will tell us the way to where everything began. Thanks for the poem.


  6. Lovely poem – love the thought of ‘the other I am”. Love Whitman – wonderful quote and look forward to reading the collection!


  7. totomai says:

    that doodle is intricate. wow.
    i like the the other i am as title. it’s quite mysterious and intriguing – your own self is your critic too 🙂


  8. Mary says:

    I do like the idea of meeting up with the ‘other I am.” Sounds like a parallel self, a friend – yet part of oneself. And perhaps the two will be able to join and become just One!


  9. First of all the drawing is so beautiful.. To he it could be a woodblock print done by an art nouveau artist. The Whitman quote is used perfectly and there is nothing forced about the wordle words. I feel you have created a piece of classic art here.


  10. Sumana Roy says:

    the two personae make us whole and always a fruitful journey together….


  11. Sherry Marr says:

    I love the whole idea of the Other I Am….this resonates with me…….your image is absolutely beautiful, Elizabeth. And your poem truly speaks to me…….I especially love “together we have built a garden.” One can do no better in life than that – to tend, cultivate and flourish in our inner gardens.


  12. C.C. says:

    I am continually amazed at how your artistic talents of poetry and zen doodles/sketches mingle together and inspire you in interrelated ways. Really compelling!


  13. Oh Elizabeth I love this poem….I have recently rediscovered the other me, and we are having such a wonderful time together. And your doodle is fabulous!


  14. Mr. Walker says:

    Elizabeth, just lovely. Wish I’d written it. I love the whole thing, from beginning to end. – Richard


  15. ZQ says:

    A wonderful discussion taking place 🙂


  16. peggygoetz says:

    Wonderful to mix the drawings and the writing. Thanks for visiting my blog as well.


  17. sláRueb says:

    A lovely poem and a really beautiful drawing.


  18. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    Lovely combination of words and image. You have taken doodling to a new level! (I cant wait to try, myself.)


  19. Poppy says:

    We are made up of many layers, some days, some are peeled, others, they are left untouched.

    Your zen doodle is intriguing, and represents the intricate complexities of personality.

    A wonderful write!



  20. Myrna says:

    Lovely writing. The other I is a wonderful way to express yourself. Sounds like the soul speaking to your ego. This is very creative. For me it’s also inspirational because I’m learning how to draw, so I’m doodling constantly.


  21. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    I’m sure that the story will have many interesting twists as the two of you keep spinning it out.


  22. Suyash_J says:

    i guess we all have to get in touch with our shadow selves if we ever want to be complete


  23. Elizabeth,
    I love the notion of conversing with and confiding in another element of self..Perhaps it is in this soul that we place most trust..Excellent!



  24. glmeisner says:

    A fun idea to meet your other self in a dream.


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