Sit. Walk. Run. Fly

For The Sunday Whirl poetry prompt: Wordle #160

glass, dreams, rub, settle, axe, shattering,
sky, clumsy, vanish, land, name, listen


Sit, Walk, Run, Fly

Sit with that seed of a dream.
Let it settle deep inside.
Listen to its whispers.

Hold it close, even if in clumsy
embrace. Give it a name.
Don’t let it vanish.

Walk across the land of its reality,
beneath its blue sky of becoming.
Rub it with soft cloth of desire.

Then run with it until it lifts you up,
teaches you how to fly, to be what
you only thought you could.

If not, that dream is but brittle glass,
waiting for the axe of doubt to fall,
shattering it all into nothingness.

Elizabeth Crawford 5/10/14

Notes: Sometimes the wordle words grab a hold and simply won’t let go. That’s what happened this week. I found them everywhere: in my thoughts, people with whom I spoke, memories, and a roller coaster ride of emotions. They kept forming poems about each of those things, beginning with the “Get Our Girls Back” campaign and ending with my own current dreams. Lots of energy but no singular focus. So, I walked away believing that if I got really busy, concentrating on something else, I might be able to find that focus. I did, while tracking down a poem I thought was here on my site. It wasn’t, but I decided to check out my other sites, and in that process found a forgotten video, a song about a dream that took generations to realize. The chorus of the song in the video became the title of the poem and made it almost too easy to write. The image is a photo of a fractal image that I put through the kaleidoscope app. The video may be found here:

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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21 Responses to Sit. Walk. Run. Fly

  1. this one is really amazing!!! great write! inspirational to say the least.


  2. Sumana Roy says:

    love these bright words of inspiration…


  3. hypercryptical says:

    Inspirational indeed – we must hold onto our dreams.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Anna :o]


  4. CC Champagne says:

    So very empowering and true! An absolute delight to read!


  5. Gabriella says:

    Inspirational words, Elizabeth. I like the idea that one needs to sit before they can run and fly.


  6. A keeper, Elizabeth, for those down moments.


  7. oldegg says:

    Success doesn’t come easy, so the advice to persist in planning to achieve is wise.


  8. vandana says:

    Dreams keep us going in life and we should hold them with care :)!!


  9. claudia says:

    oh it is good to take our dreams serious – i like the image of sitting with the seeds of them and then do everything to help them grow and become strong so that they one day will be able to make us fly and carry us…


  10. jae rose says:

    Perhaps the best dreams are the ones that are hard to pin down – otherwise you would soon give up chasing them..we must hold them tight for sure like magic pennies in our pocket


  11. Mary says:

    Oh, when those seeds come into our mind it is important to listen to them. I like the idea of rubbing the seed with a soft cloth of desire. And so true that if we don’t pay attention to them they can pass into nothingness soon enough.


  12. annell4 says:

    It happens for me, sometimes I have to let it go, get busy with something else, and then it won’t be denied, the poem shows itself.


  13. This is lovely and inspiring! The axe of doubt is a great term.


  14. I was reminded of parachutes in elementary gym class. The class holds the edges in a circle, makes waves, then runs into the center… Billowy. This is beautiful and hopeful, Elizabeth. Thank you.


  15. Spectacularly beautiful purple image, Elizabeth and this beautiful poem really resonates with me. I especially love the third stanza, with the rubbing with the soft cloth of desire to polish the dream…….


  16. ZQ says:

    Whew! Well written.


  17. brian miller says:

    nice…we have to cultivate those dreams…feed them…fertilize them…and they will def show us how to fly….smiles.


  18. Inspired, Elizabeth! Thanks for this.


  19. julespaige says:

    I really enjoy reading your process notes. I’m still a tad behind on return visits. But I’ve been using the ETTC link of short verse you gave a bit ago to write short verse, this month, which also inspired another friend to use one of the short forms. Mainly because I also included the instructions on the post. I rarely delve into explanations myself. Though I have upon occasion explained something. I like how we all take the same word list and get something different.

    Your inspirational verse and art are an asset to everyone who stops by. I used the list to write an introduction Elfje to a flash fiction (continuing story) piece.
    Thank you! Hugs, Jules


  20. Pamela says:

    An inspirational piece of writing, Elizabeth. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s day.

    Love to you,


  21. I am quite moved by this writing and want to keep it in my pocket for daily motivation.


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