An Albatross of Difficult Scribbling

For We Write Poems poetry prompt: Wordle #8



An Albatross of Difficult Scribbling

albatross – an oppressive burden
or hindrance

Lacking any and all deceit, one must
wonder at peeling purgatory reserved
for those jaded enough to dismiss tornado
of constant warnings brought by
a thousand different messengers.

In particular, those that would
ignore the guttural mourning cry
and call of winged and four-legged
creatures suffering from plague
of irresponsible actions of others,
who believe themselves the royal
height of God’s creation.

Who, in mindless quest to insulate
themselves from own pessimistic reality,
turn their backs to mysteries of nature.
Never knowing magic to be found
in flight of a single hummingbird…
its wings a whirlwind of tumbling motion.

Cannot, or will not, find inspiration in journey
of a sea turtle migrating hundreds
of ocean miles in search of home
or see miracle of a caterpillar as it slowly
morphs into beauty of a monarch butterfly.

Too busy twittering about unfair
weather conditions, balancing bank
accounts to acquire material possessions,
they are blind to the pluck and courage
of these “much lesser” beings.

Yes, one can only imagine a special place
kept for these. Perhaps small steel cages,
hung in a huge forest, like scattered
chandeliers, where every day they
are forced to listen to their four-legged
keeper (am thinking a certain Siberian
tiger*), as he teaches them respect toward
yet another incredible species.

Elizabeth Crawford  2/24/14

Contributors and Their Words
Irene:  jade, insulated, chandeliers
Jules:  weather, scattered, mourning
Hannah:  albatross, plague, plucked
Elizabeth: messengers, wings, difficult
Viv: quest, mysteries, morph
Nicole: purgatory, royal, journey
Marian: believe, thousand, tumble
Debi: guttural, deceit, twittering
Misky: sea, peeled, pessimism
Barbara: mindless, tornado, hummingbirds
Abby: balancing, whirlwind, scribbling

Process Notes: Whew! Having the evil delight of choosing these words, it never once crossed my mind that I myself would have to deal with them (can you say sucker?). Collecting them slowly, I was aware of how many of us responded to Neil’s prompt by writing about the plight of birds and other creatures in today’s world. It didn’t surprise me when that mindset continued as I attempted to sling together the first verse of this piece. Was concerned that it might turn into an angry rant, so let it sit while I calmed down a bit. While cooling my heels, was reminded of my experience with a certain Siberian Tiger* and his calm but forceful entry into my life and all that he came to teach me. You may find that story at my original blog.

That really quieted me down and I was able to finish and use all of the words. The image is a photo of an egret (symbol of fierce self-determination and direction) taken by me about a mile from home at one of my favorite parks.

And there is music: The story at the beginning of this music video can be understood by anyone who has ever struggled to make sense of a wordle list, or to write a poem.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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8 Responses to An Albatross of Difficult Scribbling

  1. Elizabeth, your story about a Tiger Named Pain has spoken right to my soul. Incredible. And your poem here, too, resonates, as of course you know it does. I heard the other day that 90% of monarch butterflies have declined in the last eight years. Hannah wrote an incredible poem about them the other day. I have been brooding much about what humans have done to wildlife and our ecosystem, how we entrap living creatures in small cages….my life is changing, the more I think about it… have written an important poem here. Thank you.


  2. annell4 says:

    Yes, it is important, I love it…and am so impressed you were able to use all words! You are amazing,’sitting by the road scribbling.’


  3. Pamela says:

    Elizabeth, I had to catch my breath after reading this. We miss so much when we live in our own little circle of life. Sometimes, it takes a major catastrophe to awaken us. I think you did an amazing job with such a varied list of words.

    Your friend,
    Pamela ox


  4. kaykuala says:

    Reading the resultant poem from so many words is just amazing. Sunday Whirl with 12 was already exhausting but your 33 is fantastic. I could only manage with 29. Great write Elizabeth!



  5. I think your tiger could symbolize either physical or emotional pain. I love how this work takes us to your tiger story. Perhaps the words are the way to, as Tears for Fears put it, “Let it all out”? And that just inspired me to point to the song…



  6. Pingback: Earth Day Challenge 6 | Soul's Music

  7. I somehow missed this one first time round, though I remember the prompt! Creation is not just about the arrival of man, and your tribute to the natural world brings that home forcibly.


  8. So good to read this again, and I smiled at the idea of a cage in the forest, for humans, so they could learn about their fellow beings. I loved reading again about the tiger named Pain, a wonderful story. A wonderful read this morning, my friend. Thank you.


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