Poets Consortium Two – An Introduction

For We Write Poems: We wordle #7


Contributors and their words:

Rosyln: blood, life, soul
Annell: instrument, tear, flesh
Misky: code, written, aim
Jules Paige: secrets, fortune, gift
Marian: petition, needs, innocence
Elizabeth: silence, thundered, subdued
Benjamin (Poetry Shack): fickle, heart, branded
Grace: bone, breath, shiver
Nicole: sternum, afterlife, nautilus
Hannah: plumes, crystallized, rust
Irene: delta, fecund, god
Ms. Pie: aperture, paradise, entwined

Poets Consortium Two – An Introduction

Rosyln’s poetry gets deep into blood,
a flowing stream, breathing life
into a reader’s soul.

In her studio, Annell becomes artist’s
instrument tearing emotions (one at a time)
from the flesh of her own story.

With intensely focused aim, Misky’s
inner code is revealed in written words
that tickle inner ear and are long remembered.

Jules’ poetic gifts are a rich and secret
fortune she freely shares in hard-worked
haibun and haiku.

In purely poetic petition, Marian
has been known to address deep needs
of ignorant and innocent alike.

Moved by silent hope, Elizabeth desires
only to subdue thundering cacophony
of breath lines inside her head.

Not fickle-hearted, Benjamin’s signature
stroke is an inky brand he wields
within poetry shack he calls home.

Grace’s sweet poetic breath might
send a responsive shiver down
backbone of any recipient.

Like the pattern in a nautilus shell,
Nicole’s words keep a coiled afterlife
beneath the sternum of her followers.

No rust grows on Hannah’s pen,
her poetic plumes are coherently
crystallized creations.

The goddess Irene inhabits a fecund
delta of glistening pearl-like poems
where orange is a succulent fruit.

The aperture of Ms. Pie’s poetry paradise
is entwined with the heady blossoms
of marriage between sense and sound.

Elizabeth Crawford 2/17/14

Notes: Again, I was tempted to continue using the poets’ names along with their words. The verses are intended to show my sense of the poetry community and what I find there.
This image has always carried my personal sense of the that community. It is from the soul cards that were created by Deborah Koff-Chapin and may be found at her site, here:    http://www.touchdrawing.com/

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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10 Responses to Poets Consortium Two – An Introduction

  1. Irene says:

    Absolutely delightful, playful and truthful, kinda. Thanks Elizabeth. 😉


  2. I like what you did with the words by taking them back to their creators. Very nicely done.


  3. kaykuala says:

    Never thought of incorporating the ‘creators’ within the poem. It is no mean feat as one must have some inkling of them and what they stand for. You’ve done it brilliantly to smoothly blend them together. Well crafted Elizabeth!



  4. Such a perfect picture for your poem! Wouldn’t it be fun if all the poets could meet to stand together like that? I loved how from reading each others blogs, I could picture the poet just as your words described!


  5. Misky says:

    I love this method of binding us together. It’s wonderful!



  6. A fantastic poem celebrating community. Love Deborah’s art, so nice to see it again.


  7. This is a wonderful idea, Elizabeth. If the actual names were not visible, I think I could have guessed most of the poets from your apt summaries!


  8. ms pie says:

    what a wonderful idea… becoming a part of community in writing… having never met anyone but oh so familiar with one’s writing it is indeed another world when we become part of each other w/o ever meeting face to face…. also found the art link quite intriguing… thoroughly enjoyed your prompt meeting the wordle head-on !!!


  9. julespaige says:

    Thank you, Elizabeth. You do us all such an honor.

    I am glad you enjoy the differences each one of us brings to the table, to our feast.

    I will have to check out the new We Wordle list to see if Morgan’s story has another chapter, either in background or moving forward. I am trying to catch up on visits before I write new verse.
    Trying being the operative word.

    Thank you for your kind words, encouragement and support. Hugs, Jules


  10. I love this. So accurate, so descriptive, every bit of it true. I guess it is a coiled afterlife, isn’t it?



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