Looming Leveler

For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #140

And for Poets United: Poetry Pantry #181

wordle # 140

11-12-11 Zendala 21ainverted3

Looming Leveler

Like a spider, high in corner where walls
meet ceiling, she listens for clear echo of shuttle
as it flies back and forth, attending
its task of creating intact fabric.

With tired eyes, but level head, she follows woven
threads. Knowing it is only means of keeping
fabric of family from splitting apart,
from being completely pulverized
in current crushing economy.

Elizabeth Crawford  12/22/13

Notes: This wordle list gave me fits until I explored the definition of “shuttle” and found a path weaving its way in my direction. The image is a line weaving hand drawn with pen and ink. Would like to wish you the season’s best and wonderful writing in the New Year.

***During the month of January, I will be offering prompts for the We Write Poems site. Hope to see you there.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here: https://1sojournal.wordpress.com/ https://soulsmusic.wordpress.com/ http://claudetteellinger.wordpress.com/
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25 Responses to Looming Leveler

  1. Nicely done.
    It’s funny how you can walk around and around a bunch of words, looking for a way in, and then suddenly it all slots together. Pulverize was the word that gave me some grief, how to incorporate it without it looking ‘lumpy’.


  2. Sabra Bowers says:

    I like the idea of this woman holding her family together. Enjoyed your poem, Elizabeth.


  3. Jinksy says:

    If only all the threads we weave could be as beautiful…


  4. oldegg says:

    When times are tough a woman has to work twice as hard. They are better at coping and don’t give up easily.


  5. I will mark my calendar to check out We Write Poems in January! This is an image of a strong woman guiding her family!


  6. annell4 says:

    We each had our spider listening, but each listening for something different. Loved you piece. You captured the Christmas spirit for many.


  7. annell4 says:

    Look forward to your prompts.


  8. annell4 says:

    I like it when you are first, all is right with the world!


  9. Mary says:

    It is definitely a good thing when one can find a way to keep the family fabric together, no matter how it is accomplished.

    Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!


  10. Jae Rose says:

    It is an industry in itself keeping things together..a web we must untangle and re-weave to keep ourselves afloat..Happy Christmas time to you x


  11. She certainly has her work cut out for her….people will go where they will and often take some pretty crazy paths to get back to where they started.


  12. Susan Chast says:

    Bless the women who hold the worlds together everywhere.


  13. Sumana Roy says:

    ‘With tired eyes, but level head, she follows woven
    threads’………….she is the life giving force and does anything for keeping that fabric intact….wonderfully sketched…


  14. Elizabeth,
    This was a wonderful reminder of the days when women had to work so hard, in this weaving industry. Here in my town of Macclesfield it has that heritage, tradition and the roots of silk weaving. Mostly by women…
    Best wishes, Eileen


  15. you penned of a struggle many have faced… very thought provoking write…


  16. Denise says:

    Very powerful and lovely, Elizabeth! Merry Christmas!


  17. veronicabalfourpaul says:

    I like the idea of making fabric to keep the fabric of the family intact. Yes, very ‘historic’ but also, timely for now…
    Best wishes to you this Christmas, too.


  18. Mr. Walker says:

    Elizabeth, ah, the money worries that fray. You’ve captured that and the importance of weaving as strength.



  19. Sherry Marr says:

    I always love to see you, Elizabeth. The artistic image is spectacular. I, too, like the weaving woman, trying to keep her family together. In fact, I relate to her rather closely, at the moment!


  20. daphnepurpus says:

    Powerful and a wonderful use of the words!


  21. humbird says:

    Nice connection with the reality thru work with fabric …and even deeper…almost as flower of life…


  22. Pamela says:

    Elizabeth, the fabric that is woven seems to always come undone. Well done, my friend. Sorry for not visiting lately, but life has been crazy with school, but now vacation is here. Happy Holidays and warm hugs sent to you.



  23. K says:

    Lovely poem, and I love how you included a little into your process of coming about to write it.


  24. poetrypea says:

    Evocative of not just centuries gone by, but current times.


  25. You wove a lovey tapestry, a meaningful reminder of woman’s role as peacemaker. I haven’t been getting the Earlywords lately, amd I missed this one.


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