Bits and Pieces

For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #125

wordle #125


Bits and Pieces

Nuns taught that sin pays
offender by leaving black stain
on pure white soul.

Ringing bells between change of classes,
horde of strangers, made public school
center of another dimension.

New avenue where some teachers
encouraged questions, used answers
to teach how, rather than what, to think.

Only years later, one might realize
that intrigue of all-knowing nuns
led to fascination with soul magic.

Elizabeth Crawford  9/8/13

Notes: Yes, this is a bit biographical.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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16 Responses to Bits and Pieces

  1. Nothing wrong with biographical – we are a patchwork of our upbringing. Well captured.


  2. Misky says:

    I’ve read your other ‘soul magic’ (and cleansing) posts previously, and I find it fascinating. I don’t fully understand it but I am fascinated by the concept.


  3. oldegg says:

    It is in our nature to wander from the straight and narrow. We learn all the time but more often from our mistakes.


  4. “to teach how, rather than what to think” – “soul magic” Stunning. 🙂


  5. annell4 says:

    Interesting the distance, from what was taught to what was learned. Nice soul magic.


  6. Nanka says:

    The wordle words took you back in years. soul searching to the start line!!


  7. brenda w says:

    I love the journey you weave here, Elizabeth. Your third stanza embodies the teacher I want to be. Hooray for soul magic and the nuns who tickled it early on!


  8. Mishla says:

    Spiritual and knowing. Very quiet – love.


  9. Oo, my soul leapt up at the words “soul magic”. How I would love to have a cup of tea with you and plumb the depths of that phrase, kiddo. You just sprinkled a little of your soul magic on my morning. Blessings!


  10. Pamela says:

    Elizabeth, this is lovely in its truth. The last stanza is beautiful, my friend.



  11. Veronica Roth says:

    Scared me Elizabeth. Teach how to think and planting soul music by nuns…ooo, not nice. Maybe it’s a combo of my atheistic heart and escaping a communist country that did it. Nevertheless, I found this very powerful to read, and a powerful read is nice for me. 🙂 Nicely done.


  12. Jeep Walters says:

    It’s a wonder how nuns seem to render us to bare our souls (and knuckles) like that! Not a habit I’m fond of! 😉


  13. Myrna says:

    I can relate to this. Went to Catholic School. But yes, critical thinking is better than rote learning.


  14. Margaret says:

    …and here I am to say I think a balance of the two is best 🙂


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