Staring Into The Future

For The Sunday Whirl: Wordle #82

and for November PAD Challenge:  Image #11

Staring Into The Future
Digital Painting
Elizabeth Crawford

Staring Into The Future

Although there were days
when the girl seemingly leapt
awake, feeling new, able to hear
birds singing in wood near brook
bordering backyard, those days
never lasted.

Things would get rocky, certain
dryness at back of throat, a bit
hollow at center. Sometimes,
imagined herself mere phantom,
blurred shadow carefully moving
along walls of her own

Elizabeth Crawford  11/11/12

Notes: My apologies if it sounds a bit like The Yellow Wallpaper. The words seemed to divide themselves into separate camps, so I went with them. I believe that the early teen years are the time when we first become aware of the division in our own personalities. Seeking some level of balance may take up the rest of our lives.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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13 Responses to Staring Into The Future

  1. vivinfrance says:

    I love the spareness of the writing here. Your ‘girl’ comes alive with all the contradictions of youth.
    The painting is gorgeous.

    Thanks Viv, the contradictions are normal. Like a lot of things, the painting was an accident, yet remains one of my favorites,



  2. Those teen years can be hard. The words did seem to move in two directions.

    I often feel that the words know where they want to go, and are simply waiting for us to figure that out. Glad you stopped in Robyn,



  3. I have a 16 year old going through all of this right now. One minute and adult, the next a child. It’s a scary time as you watch them trying to find their way and hope they don’t make too many huge mistakes doing it. Liked how you did manage to separate the two so directly. So many of us do spend a whole lifetime trying to seek that balance.
    Great wordling Elizabeth.

    I have three granddaughters doing the same, and yes it is a scary time. I think that balance is a form of acceptance,



  4. margo roby says:

    I don’t know Elizabeth. I have had days like this starting in my fifties. I reread after you said the subject is a girl. Still holds. The pulling in two directions and not knowing which one is going to wake to. The poem captures the divide, well.

    Thanks Margo, I think the fifties and beyond is the second trial in seeking balance (and when you think about it that seems fitting), it might even be the more difficult one.



  5. anl4 says:

    Granted the teen years are hard, but sometimes the other years are equal. Get rocky. I loved the Yellow Wallpaper.

    I did as well, which might be why it snuck in here somewhat. I do believe finding balance is the work of a lifetime. Thank you my friend,



  6. Marianne says:

    Gorgeous writing! I especially love:
    “blurred shadow carefully moving
    along walls of her own

    Marianne, that was one of the first images that popped into my mind on seeing the wordlist,



  7. brenda w says:

    I like the duo exploration. This is good writing. I’m with Margo, I feel this way with some regularity. There are many ways to face the world, and many faces we show the world. Sometimes, we choose to hide.

    Thank you much Brenda, I seem to be doing a lot of hiding lately, lol.



  8. nan says:

    I found that the words divided themselves into two camps, also — and did something similar with my poem. I enjoyed the contrasts you presented… external-internal. The second stanza is quite haunting and sad.

    Glad to know someone else saw it. The second stanza was meant to be just that. Thanks Nan,



  9. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    I think both stanzas make a perfect whole.

    Seven Haiku with Simon

    Ah, a poet after my own heart. Really loved your haiku this week,



  10. JulesPaige says:

    I seem to always be in two camps. Long Verse vs Short Verse. So I just write them both. Sometimes it is the only way to quiet the muse. I can see where your girl came from and is going too.
    I pitched two verses for Wordle 82 Story Verse and non-Story Verse. And Image 11 plus meddling with a short piece too. Busy morning (but then I did write the Wordles yesterday)

    Busy writing, a way of life that keeps on giving. Hats off to you, Jules,



  11. PJF Sayers says:

    Elizabeth, a perfect description of the division we feel growing up. Nice compact write.


    Thanks Pamela, I think it starts then and follows us through life,



  12. Sherry Marr says:

    Elizabeth, I LOVE the blue image – which is haunting and suits the poem and its title so perfectly. You have captured that time of life exactly and, I agree, it does follow us for a considerable part of our journey. Isnt the FREEDOM we feel now wonderful???????

    Oh Sherry, the freedom is wonderful, but there are still those days when I struggle to find that balance. Thanks for your encouragement,



  13. This reminded me of Rilke’s “Panther”; it is a very haunting and realistic portrayal of what the life of people battling depression is like. I agree with Margo in saying that these feelings can appear at any age, not only during one’s teenage years. The image accompanying your poem colors the mood of the whole piece in deep, fluid blue.

    I’ve heard it said that every high must have a low and I find that true in my existence. The balance comes from accepting both, I think. The image is one of my favorites,



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