Public Warning

November PAD Challenge Day 14: write a deadly and dangerous poem

Public Warning

Take my word for it:
poets are dangerous people.
With a few simple words can
change face of reality, take it to
light, or even dark, forbidden places.

Without fair warning, using no
more than a twisted turn line,
might kidnap heart and mind,
never thinking to leave
a ransom note.

Choke up an innocent unknown
bystander one moment, and bring
another to her knees, or might relieve
deadly calm of daily doldrums.

Once thought to be milksops and pansies,
can approach with deadly force,
or silence of a SWAT team: weapons
at the ready. Knowing no allegiance
except to their craft, can set
established theories adrift on raft
constructed of nothing more than
metaphor, creating mayhem deftly
using loosely slung syllables.

There are those who might
quibble with this proffered opinion,
but take my word for it:
poets are very dangerous

Elizabeth Crawford  11/14/11

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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6 Responses to Public Warning

  1. Mary says:

    No argument from me, Elizabeth. Wonderful poem.


  2. vivinfrance says:

    Agreed. I appreciate your slung syllables.


  3. Janet says:

    Yes, they are…even the ones that appear entirely harmless:)


  4. Oh yes indeed. We poets are either madly in love or dying from the broken heart of the same. LOL But then we mostly write from passion, don’t we?
    Nice observations of us crazies… great club to be in eh! 😉


  5. Wonderful writing, Elizabeth. I loved it, every line! Guess what? It’s snowing here. Snow Day! Very beautiful out the window of my cozy little room.


  6. anl4 says:

    I love this! It is pure gold!


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