Balance Between Caution and Risk


For NaPoWriMo  – day 16

Card 115, Gallery 2

Balance Between Caution and Risk

It was not as if she now
lived without fear. That
would be foolish. Already
knew that some trepidation
was essential to finite existence,
often made difference between
dying and continued life.

But, too much of it was like
giant snake coiling itself
round person, constricting
breath, any further movement.
Restricting natural flow of being,
until it stopped being natural.
Became something small that
stuttered, paused, shuddered
at all thought of proceeding.

Also knew that dread could be gift,
meant to lift swift feet, enable her
to finish this journey instead
of turning away from taking
further steps.

Finally found balance between
caution and risk, taught herself
to confront niggling misgivings,
letting go of doubts, hesitation.
Learned how, and when, to ask
the right questions.

Elizabeth Crawford  4/16/11

Soul Cards: both galleries may be viewed by clicking on image. Cards were created by Deborah Koff-Chapin, and her site may be found here:

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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14 Responses to Balance Between Caution and Risk

  1. Great character development.

    Thank you Stan. Our traveler is certainly that, a character.



  2. vivinfrance says:

    All this deep self-examination is making you a stronger person. To hell with trepidation, just be yourself! 🙂

    But Viv, there is always a bit of fear in doing just that, lol. Thanks for your wise words,



  3. This seems to me about finding oneself. Great write.

    Thank you Anthony, that is what it is about. That and finding and listening to one’s own soul,



  4. David King says:

    Some of the most extrovert people began as introverts – I think I was one!

    Lol, I laughed when I saw your comment, David. I’ve been around enough to know that I seem to have extravert seasons, followed by introverted ones. Sort of like distinct summers versus winters of being. Then there’s always Spring and Fall when all bets are off. We all need a bit of chaos in the mix, I guess? Thanks for stopping and commenting,



  5. Irene says:

    Asking the right questions, righto! I wish it’s easy.

    Well, Irene, for me the right questions are usually, “What are you really afraid of, and what one small thing can you do right now to alleviate some portion of that?” Of course, there are those times when there simply isn’t time to ask, and one just does and then explores it later at liesure. Thanks for traveling with me for a while,



  6. Laurie Kolp says:

    Beautiful, Elizabeth. I love “niggling misgivings”…

    So do I, Laurie, and thank you,



  7. She is wise woman indeed! Loved this write.

    Thanks Annell, this should get easier, right? I keep waiting. So glad you are a part of my journey, my friend.



  8. “Learned how and when to ask the right questions”. Wow! THAT is true wisdom. Wonderful poem and stellar journey, Elizabeth!!!!!!!!

    Thank you Sherry, but the right questions for me, might not be right for anyone else. I’m hearing Dixie Chicks in my head, lol. Hope you are getting a bit of rest and pamper yourself somewhat today and tomorrow.



  9. christine says:

    Something to really think about, there are pains in growing.

    Hello Christine, yes there is pain in growing. Growing is damned hard work at times. Especially when you think you’ve reached the end of it, only to discover it is time to reach again. Thank you for your thoughtful comments,



  10. Mr. Walker says:

    I like “some trepidation / was essential” – I think this is a truth often overlooked, and the opposite, too much trepidation, stifling is also true. An excellent exploration of risk.

    Thank you Mr. Walker, I’ll take the excellent to the kudo box.



  11. Gloria says:

    It is so crucial to learn the balance. I agree with Christine that there are pains in growing, but there is great satisfaction in looking back after one of these growth spurts and seeing how far we’ve come. 🙂 This is a wonderful journey you’re sharing Elizabeth.

    Thank you much Gloria. It goes without saying that it is years in the making, but I’m really enjoying these hightlights. And those growth spurts, I’m glad to say, keep going on, even ater those golden years begin.



  12. pamela says:

    Elizabeth, seems, I’m still working on that last bit you wrote there. I am loving your journey.


    Pamela, remember it happens in layers of seasons and cyles. I still have those moments when I think, or say aloud, “How come I didn’t learn that last time around?” Wish you well on your own journey and thanks for keeping track of mine.



  13. andy sewina says:

    Phew, this is some learning curve!

    Yes, Andy, it might very well be just that. But, life is about bending around the curves, seeing the patterns and connections in the paths that travel through many seasons. Thanks for the “Phew”, I’m taking that to the kudo box, just because I like it, lol.



  14. Mary says:

    Balance between caution and risk — seems to be what life is pretty much about!

    P.S. At the end of this month you will have written a chapbook!

    Mary it certainly would seem that way, and often when we turn away because of the risk factor, the Universe seems to find a way to bring it to us anyway.

    P.S. Yes, I know and that is an exciting thought, thank you.


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